chapter 8

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It was nearly ten years since the dursleys had taken in Harry. But privet drive and the people living in it had hardly changed at all. Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had past.

Ten years ago there has been lots of photos of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different coloured bobble hats, but Dudley dursley was no longer a baby and now the photographs showed a large, blonde boy riding his first bicycle, on the roundabout at the fair, playing videogames with his father, being kissed by his mother.

The mauraders burst out laughing. "A large pink beach ball" Sirius wheezed. "Ah yes, hilarious! Now can you please shut up so others can listen!" Said Snape.

The room held no sign that another boy lived here too. Yes Harry Potter was still there, asleep at the moment, but not for long.


Lily sighed, she knew her sister hated her, but she didn't think they would treat her son like this. And the worst part is that nobody knows that harry was sent to her sister's house. They all think he is sent to some random muggle's house.

Harry woke up with a start. His aunt smacked the door again. "UP!" She screeched. He rolled on his back and tried to remember the dream he had been having. It consisted of a pretty girl with red locks of hair, an extremely large man and a flying motorbike. He had a funny feeling he had the same dream before.

"How on earth does he still remember that!" Marlene said, shocked. "I know right! Harry can remember events that happened when he was a mere babe, while I can't even remember what happened in yesterday's history lecture" Alice commented. "That's because you slept through it" Marlene dryly said

"Are you up yet?" His aunt was back at the door. "Nearly" harry groaned. "Well get a move on. I want you to look after the bacon, and don't you dare let it burn! I want everything perfect for Dudley's birthday" she snapped.

"Aunt? What aunt? I thought Harry was sent to live with some random muggle's" Sirius said. Remus was in deep thought. "James do you have any sisters?" He asked. "No. This woman must be from Lily's side of the family" he said.

Lily started getting nervous. James noticed this and interlocked their hands. Flower, what's wrong?" He softly asked. "She is my sister" lily whispered. "I am so sorry, I didn't know she would treat Harry like this" lily said, tears threatening to come out.

"It's alright darling, it's not your fault" Euphemia said to her daughter in law with a smile.

Dudley's birthday - how could he have forgotten. Harry searched for some socks, which he found under his pillow. After shaking a slider off it, be put them on and headed outside. Harry wasn't afraid of spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them, and that was where he slept.

The hall was dead quite. "HOW COULD SHE!" Lily growled. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY GOD SON SLEEP IN A CLOSET!" Sirius fumed. James was quite, a bit to quite. "James-" began Euphemia. "Mum what are the best ways to cover up a murder?" He asked.

The purebloods were disgusted too. Even though the noble families hated the potters for accociating with mudbloods, they couldn't believe someone could stoop so low as to put a magical child in a closet.

When he was dressed he went down the ha into the kitchen. The table was almost hidden beneath all Dudley's presents. It looked as though he had gotten his new racing bike which he wanted. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Harry, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise unless it involved punching someone.

Dudley's favourite favourite punchbag was Harry. Though he never used to catch up with Harry, he didn't look it, but he was fast. He was thin, had jet black hair which was never in place, knobbly knees and emerald green eyes. Though the only thing he liked about his appearance was the lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

"Oh Harry" lily muttered sadly. "How dare they abuse him like that!" James and Sirius roared. "He is a boy, not a punching bag" Fleamont muttered, shaking his head.

"Does he seriously like that cursed scar!" Evan said, incredulously. "He is little, he must not even know that it's a cursed scar" Sylvie said.

When he had asked his aunt petunia how he got it, she had said "you got it in a car crash, when your parents died - now stop asking questions."

"A car crash! A car crash killed my best friends! What utter rubbish!" Exclaimed Marlene.

Not asking questions was the first rule to living a peaceful life with the dursleys. "The bacon!" His aunt shrieked. "yes aunt petunia" he said as he hurried to the bacon. "Bring my coffee boy" his uncle roared. "Yes uncle Vernon" he said as he poured some coffee in a mug as went to serve it.

"Oh poor Harry" said Alice. "How dare you! Harry is not a house elf!" Sirius shouted. Even Wallburga agreed with him.  "James were are going to change everything. And we are going to definitely spoil Harry" lily declared.

Meanwhile Dudley was counting his presents. "thirty six! But last year, last year there were thirty seven!" He shouted. "But now they are bigger-" Vernon tried arguing. "No!" Said Dudley. Petunia paled. She could feel a Dudley tantrum so I stead she said. "Don't you worry, we will get you three more presents at the zoo, how is that dinky duddikins?"

"So I will have thirty - thirty-"

"Thirty nine darling" she said.

"No no! You shouldn't encourage this!" Molly said. "What rubbish parenting" Sylvie exclaimed. "Oh don't worry Sylvie, I am sure you are reggie will be better" Evan teased, causing Barty to cackle loudly and the couple to blush.

The scene changed as the dursleys headed out to the car with Dudley's friend, Piers polkiss. But before getting in the car, Vernon held Harry back. "Now I am warning you boy! Any funny business, one wrong move and you won't get meals for two weeks." And with that, they headed to the zoo.

"Hey that's abuse!" Sirius exclaimed. "Oh please! That is not abuse, us purebloods face alot much worse. You out of all people shod know that Black" spat Evan, causing people to look curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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