Chapter 6

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The screen once again revealed a girl, but she was not like the one before. She was 11 years old. She was fair, had a cute little heart shaped face and had medium length, blood red hair that broke into curls at the end. Though argueably, her emrald green eyes were her most striking feature.

James and lily gasped. This was surely Fawna.

She looked much more healthier compared to the fateful night. She wore a formal brown dress with her fluffy coat and some stylish boots.

"Ooh fancy" Marlene gushed. Lily smiled at her best friend.

"Are you almost done?" Came a voice. She rolled her eyes fondly, not having to guess twice who's voice that was. "Yes uncle Severus, I am ready" she said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that my precious daughter was living with that bat" said James, glaring at Severus. "I think it would do you good to speak civilly with the man who is going to raise your future daughter" said Sylvie, matching his glare.

She held onto his arm as they aparated. The scene changed to show a beautiful manor. It had big gates which opened to reveal a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers of different shapes and sizes.

Thes was a path leading to the entrance of the huge seven story manor. The entrance itself was grand, with two peacocks. This was the Malfoy manor, a manor which was practically home for Fawna.

Everyone were looking at the screen in awe. The malfoys puffed their chests in pride. But James wasnt focusing on that. He was focusing on the last sentence of the movie. 'a manor which was practically home for Fawna.' 

Why was Malfoy manor home for Fawna.  James couldn't help but dread that the malfoys were the ones who raised Fawna. After all, Snivellus was always incompetent in such matters, so it would be no surprise that he had asked his old friend for help. James paled with the thought of all the darkness they raised his innocent daughter in.

"Aunt Cissy!" Fawna exclaimed as she rushed to greet her aunt. "Oh darling how are you?" She asked softly. "Oh I am doing absolutely well" Fawna said in pure glee. "I got my Hogwarts letter today."

"Oh that's wonderful! Congrats Fawna" Narcissa exclaimed. "Thank you" Fawna blushed. "Now now, I gave assembled tea and some snacks on the porch, you shall find Draco and Orion there too" she said.

Lily didn't look too pleased. She looked somewhat sad, somewhat jealous. She was sad that she didn't get too raise her daughter, and be there for such important parts of her life like her Hogwarts letter. And she was jealous of the fact that Narcissa was the one who was with her during those times.

Narcissa was the one who raised her. Lily knew that she should have been thankful to the woman who was raising her daughter as her own, but she couldn't ignore the pit that was forming in her stomach.

"Thank you" Fawna said as she headed to the porch. And just as aunt Narcissa had said, she found the both of them there. "Hey guys" she said. "Sis!" Exclaimed Orion as he ran to hug her. "Wow you sure have missed me" she remarked, laughing while Orion let go of her, blushing.

"He has been irritating me all week and- ow! Draco! Why the hell did you throw the bread roll on me!" He said to his cousin who was trying to hide his laughter. "Now now dray-dray, that is not the way to go over it" she teased causing him to blush in embarrassment.

"Nice too see you too sis" he said. Fawna laughed lightly as they hugged and she soon joined them for tea.

The whole great hall was speechless at their interaction. A potter treating malfoys as if they are family? Now that is a first. Meanwhile the purebloods were aghast. How coul will could purebloods act so casual. Lucius was angry with Draco's blatant show of affection while Narcissa, on the other hand was beaming.

She would get a daughter just like she dreamed of. Even if Fawna wasn't hers, Narcissa completely fell in love with her. She was also happy that her son had such a good relationship with her and that he would get to have a carefree life, something most purebloods do not get.

Orion black was trying to tune down his wife's screeching and try to ponder on who that boy on the screen would be. An Orion, living with the malfoys? Whoever he was, Orion knew that boy was related to him somehow. Maybe he was Regulus' son. After all, regulus is bethrowed to Sylvie Malfoy.

And only he would name his son Orion. Sirius would jump off a cliff if the idea was suggested to him.

The scene skipped to supper time. Snape, Lucius, Narcissa, Fawna, Draco and Orion all were seated at the dining table, eating dinner in silence. "So Fawna dear, have you packed?" Narcissa asked. "Oh yes! everything except a few last minute stuff, like my toothbrush..." she said. "Understandable" she hummed. "So you're ready?" asked Orion. "As ready as ever." Fawna grinned. "Only two more years" Draco grumbled. 

"So what house do you want to be in?" Lucius asked. The atmosphere immediately became tense. Narcissa and Fawna shared a look. "Slytherin" she replied. Lucius' lips curled. "As you should be. There is nothing more noble than being sorted there" he said pride fully. Fawna fought the urge to scoff. She knew how prideful and prejudiced her unce was. she was expecting this question.

"Don't you dare force my daughters in choosing a house. She is z born gryffindor" James stated, looking at his daughter lovingly. Regulus scoffed and evan rolled his eyes. "Sure Potter, keep thinking that way" Said Barty.

Later that evening, Severus had taken their leave, Lucius had ministry business to attend to, Draco and Orion were out on the pitch. Which left Narcissa alone with Fawna. "So darling i wanted to ask you something" She said softly while closing the door and adding a few safety charms. "Yes Aunt Cissy?" Fawna asked. "Do you really want t be in Slytherin?" she asked. Both the women exchanged knowing glances.

"Its not like that, its just that no matter what house i go into, i will always be judged. If i am in gyffindor, i will be condidered arrogant and prideful. If  am in ravenclaw, i will be an irritting know-it-all. if i am in hufflepuff, people will think i am dumb and weak and if i am in slytherin, everyone will automatically hate me just for the colour of my tie. So wherever i go, i wont be able to escape the prejudice" she said.

The great Hall digested this information. She was right after all. Now that they came to think of it, there were drawbacks to every single house. McGonagall sighed. 'So much prejudice' she muttered.

"Your school is certainly one of a kind" Commented Astra. "None of this happened at Beauxbatons" She said. "Then why don't you go back to beauxbatons? " Sirius said angrily. "Don't you dare insult her! " Exclaimed Sylvie. "These are not matters of your concern" He muttered darkly. "How dare you talk to my daughter like that! " Said a furious Wallburga. Sylvie looked at her in surprise.

"And plus our family matters are of her concern since she soon will be a part of our family" Wallburga said, looking happily between regulus and sylvie. Both the teenagers blushed.

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