chapter 4

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"you!" Sirius glared hard. A smile was plastered on the girl's face. "Why hello dear brother of mine" she said. The mysterious girl was revealed to be Astra Black, twin sister of regulus Black and the youngest member of the black family. "Hi Astra" Sylvie said as she got up to hug the girl.

The black sisters gave Astra a warm smile while Callista and Narcissa got up to sit next to her. "So what happened to beauxbatons?" Asked Regulus. "I received a note this morning Stating the urgency of my presence here at Hogwarts" she replied.

"We all recieved the same note dear" said Druella. Wallburga on the other hand decided to scold her daughter. "Astra, posture straight! Don't slouch." "Yes mother" she said monotonously, before sending a playful wink in Regulus' direction. "So anyway, why was I called here?" She asked.

Callista then began to explain everything to her. "So you are telling me that I am going to waste my entire day watching this stupid muggle contraption!" She said. "Unfortunately, yes" said Abarax Malfoy. "We will be more than happy if you leave" said Sirius in a sickly sweet tone. Astra gave him a scathing glare.

"Ugh! Honestly, she is the worst, ain't she prongs. Prongs? Prongs! What the hell stop staring at Astra!" Sirius snapped. "Padfoot you never mentioned that your sister was so gorgeous" said James, completely ignoring Sirius and looking at Astra dreamily. Lily glared at Astra, overhearing what James said.

"Aw! What's the matter lily? Not liking that potter is obsessing on someone else for a change" Marlene cooed. Lily glared at her. On the Slytherin table, regulus whispered to Barty. "Just because I am not saying anything, that doesn't mean I don't notice the way you are looking at my sister. Cut it out!" He threatened.

After another brief explanation Astra glared hard at Dumbledore. I cannot believe you had the nerve to do such a thing with the children of the house of potter" she stated angrily. She respectfully nodded at the potters who smiled at her in return.

"Let us continue with the movie" Mcgonagall weakly suggested. There was a murmur of yesses as everyone once more got comfortable. Mcgonagall continued with the movie. The tittle flashed before their eyes.

Early Life

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