chapter 3

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The great hall was too stunned to speak. Severus Snape was the godfather of a child of James potter's?. impossible. everyone knew that both the boys hated each other's guts. plus, how was it possible that Remus was a godfather and Sirius black, who was James's best mate was not. so far they had more questions than they had answers.

"I am not going to let snivelus be Fawna's godfather" James growled. "Yeah how come he is godfather and not me?" Sirius whined. "Not now padfoot" said Remus. "Honestly were you drunk Prongs?" asked Sirius, completely ignoring Remus. " think I was padfoot" James replied.

"Stop It" said Lily. 'Are you forgetting that Severus was my best friend? maybe i named him godfather" she said. Severus, who was sitting at the Slytherin table perked up at lily's voice. He softly smiled. but then he realized that lily said 'was'. he sighed, wishing there was any way that he could mend his friendship with lily. "But lilyflower-" But lily cut him off. "no James, I hate it when you treat him like dirt. And for what reason, because he is a Slytherin?. Honestly! You are pathetic".

"Well I'll be damned" muttered Evan. All the slytherins had a newfound respect for the muggleborn who they treated so badly yet she stood up for them. "I think we should continue with the movies" said Dumbledore, in an attempt to keep everyone calm and settled. James was muttering things like "Fawna will turn dark' and 'stupid snivelus' but was pulled down by Remus. "Mate, calm down" he said. "How can i calm down Moony? i now you will do an amazing job with Anika, but what about Fawna? she will be evil, she will urn to the dark side!" he said.

Dumbledore, Minerva and Hagrid then walked up to the house. Dumbledore kept Harry in a basket, on the doorstep, with a letter.

There was a dead silence. "How dare you put my grandson on a doorstep in the cold with only a letter for an explanation" said Euphemia calmly. A bit too calmly. "HOW DARE YOU!" She roared. Dumbledore gulped. The movie was certainly not painting him in a good light.

All the mother's looked at Dumbledore disgusted, their views about him slowly changing. Even the pureblood women were shocked. "I knew the old man was bad but this is a bit much" muttered Druella to Wallburga. "Oh this is not even the worst of the things he has done" Wallburga replied.

"I shall send Fawna to Mr. Snape" said dumbledore. "While I shall escort young Anika to Mr. Lupin " stated Mcgonagall. "Well now that that's done, we might as well enjoy the celebrations" said dumbledore merrily.

"My grandchildren have just become orphans and you want to enjoy the celebrations!" Screeched Euphemia. "Honey why don't we all just calm down-" suggested Fleamont before he was cut off by his wife. "How can you expect me to calm down Fleamont!".

"Old coot" Druella muttered, glaring at the headmaster who just shrunk in his seat. 'this is not going as planned' he thought.

Suddenly another parchment fell in Mcgonagall's lap. "The arrival of will happen shortly" she recieted. Just then, the doors of the great hall opened to reveal...

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