𝟐𝟒. poignancy and grief

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chapter twenty-four ; poignancy and grief
[ season five – episode fifteen ]

chapter twenty-four ; poignancy and grief[ season five – episode fifteen ]

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   NO WORDS. NONE at all.

Why did things like that always happen? When things started to go good again, something bad always came after it. Why? Kloe didn't know the answer to that. What had they done wrong to deserve the things thrown at them. And every time, it felt like a ton of bricks. No... worse than that. It was as if a wave consumed them.

For Kloe, that wave filled with nothing but darkness washed up onto her the moment she took that large step out of it. She had just gotten better. Now she was bad again. Wasn't Alexandria supposed to keep them safe? Yes. It was the people inside of it that made it unsafe.

By the time Kloe had been to the infirmary and got patched up, earning stitches on the side of her head along with a temporary cast on her hand, it had reached late evening.

The majority of the community had gone to sleep for the night. Kloe, on the other hand, sat in the very house that none of them used. She was sitting upright on the couch, her legs crossed with her hands in her lap. She pinned her hair back, the ends of her brunet hair brushing against the top of her back. Glenn had given her one of his shirts, being incredibly way too big for her, but she didn't care.

She stared off into space, hearing nothing but the faint muffles of Glenn telling Rick of what happened on the run in the dim light from a lantern hanging from the porch roof. The warm, cozy light provided Kloe some light through the drapes, lines of orange printing on her face. Her eyes were dry, and they stung. She didn't care.

The ringing in her ears made her physically want to punch herself in the head to knock herself out. She wanted out. She wanted nothing more than to fall asleep for a month or so. She couldn't deal with the pain for much longer.


Why Noah?

He was the boy that everyone admired, especially her and Glenn. He didn't have a bad bone with anyone in the group and never had anything bad to say. He was just a kid. He often reminded her of the innocence the girl she once knew back in Atlanta camp. Sophia.

Her heart ached.

She hadn't even processed the thought that Noah was truly gone. She had only known him for barely over a month, but she felt as if she'd known him forever. He was like a younger brother to both her and her husband. Her mind lapped over the moment when they spoke about the Fast & Furious franchise earlier that day in the van. Her dry eyes soon filled up with salty water.

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