{chapter 1} -introduction~

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(bare with me i forgot how i started on my last one so DONT MIND, but its a good thing i said paul was a vegetarian and i said he ate bacon 💀 im so stupid.)

-pauls pov

i was woken up by the birds lovely melodies, and my da' making loads of noise downstairs. which was good since i needed to get up somehow, but first i want to text george to see if he wants to meet up before heading to school.

paulisnothere- morning geo

paulisnothere- WAKE UP BITCH
paulisnothere- i miss you son 🥺😩
paulisnothere- im not gonna buy u a sandwich.

georgelovesfood- STFU YOU RUINED MY DREAMMM!

paulisnothere- aw sorry son

georgelovesfood- im mad at you.

paulisnothere- how do i make it up to you 🥺

georgelovesfood- buy me a sandwich for lunch ☺️

paulisnothere- ughhh finee 😔

georgelovesfood- thank you paulie 😘


paul laughed at the messages before getting up to shower, and ofcourse he picked out black trousers, a white tee, and mainly the black leather jacket he always wears.

after the shower and putting on the clothes, he greased up his hair and a lovely smell of..pancakes hit his nose. he loved pancakes. so he hurried up and finished so he could eat.

as he was on his way down he met his fathers face.

"oh i was just about to call you to come down and eat" jim said.

"well good thing i came right on time" paul giggled.

"yea haha..eat up before it gets cold" he said.

"oh i will and you will be surprised" paul didn't know what he meant by that but he was gonna eat the whole thing.


after eating he waved goodbye to mike and jim before leaving.

he forgot to ask george if he wanted to meet up but he just pissed him off, he loved to piss him off on mondays. he came to school right on time before the crowds started forming. he saw george next to his assigned locker. he was quite happy so him and george could meet every break, meanwhile he walked up to george with a grin.

"hey baby" he grinned.

"AYE. stop that!" george forced a angry look.

paul knew he was hiding his smirk.

"aw im sorry son" paul said faking a sad look.

"ah its alright...well cmon we will be late to class" with that george grabbed paul by the arm.

they had the same classes, first was history. making they're way in history paul spotted a handsome bloke..auburn hair, such gorgeous eyes, beautiful lips, everything was perfect-

george snapped infront of pauls face which scared him.

"stop staring at the new kid" he acted jealous.

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