{chapter 4} - not tonight..~

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{john's pov}

it was a relief finally leaving school, it was the weekend so i didn't have to worry about any drama then, just to enjoy the nice weather in liverpool only if it lasted as long. today was really sunny, a lovely breeze running through my hair, and ofcourse the fresh air..

it was gonna be a wonderful day today, or as he thinks so?

on his way home he seen little kids having fun infront of they're yards, a birthday party happening, many more familys enjoying the weather.

right before i turned, my phone buzzed..i wonder who it was, they were gonna have to wait. hope its not anyone important.

i want the day to go well he thought.

{at home}

he opened the door to his house...well mimi's house. he was greeted by mimi sitting in her armchair as per usual.

"so...how was school" she said unexpectedly.

"oh, it was okay..its not like it gets better maybe the only part is when the weekend comes" he forced a smile.

she rolled her eyes. "well dinner will be ready soon...just making meatloaf nothing special"

his stomach growled at the word meatloaf, he didn't think he was this hungry...it could have been the walk even tho it wasn't a long one.

he then turned to make his way upstairs, while making his way up his phone buzzed again. he decided once he gets comfortable in bed he will check who it was.

he opened the door to his room, making his way in before shutting it, as he sat on his bed once again his phone buzzed. he wondered who it was, so at this point he decided he will check.

"itsjames" he sighed.

he really didn't want to deal with james right now, he had paul after all...right?

he shook that thought away and decided to take a nap..

{pauls pov}

fucking john...he thought.
he never answered anymore, i mean he never answered james anymore. i really should add him on my main account.

he decided to do it. whats the worst that could happen. he searched up johns username and seen the add button, then again he was nervous about it. but something told him to just do it which he did. after he threw his phone on the footside of the bed scared to even look, later decided to just play guitar to get that off his mind.

he played guitar for about 15 min, still wondering if john added him back. in all honesty he was scared of john not adding him back even tho they had a good shag yet still scared of an app...wonderful.

he put down his guitar and checked his phone, he hesitated right before still getting anxiety about it. and in his lucky john added him back, he leaped up in joy.

before texting john he got comfortable in bed excited knowing john was his.

he texted john right away.

paulisthebest- hey johnny 😙

johnlemon- paul?

paulisthebest- yes?

johnlemon- ahh just making sure...just in case..

paulisthebest- mhm yea, so whats up?

johnlemon- nothing really...just feeling rather lonely yknow

paulisthebest- mmm yea for that certain feeling 👀

johnlemon- paul stop 😭

paulisthebest- whatt?? 😏

johnlemon- not tonight buddy.

paulisthebest- cmonnn 🥺😉

johnlemon- no.

paulisthebest- please! i just need you rn 😚

johnlemon- no sex mate. none for your horny arse. 🤨


johnlemon- so?

paulisthebest- so?

johnlemon- lets not talk about that 😊

paulisthebest- ima bring it up next time..

johnlemon- fucking hell paul, please lets just not. 🙏🙏

paulisthebest- hm i can't promise that but sure lets not for now.

johnlemon- okay your pissed? weren't i supposed to be the one mad?

paulisthebest- nope lets just not alright?

johnlemon- is it because i won't fuck you?

paulisthebest- JOHN.

johnlemon- FINE.

paulisthebest- ima sleep early..alright with you?

johnlemon- yea ofcourse luv

paulisthebest- ill talk to you whenever your available

johnlemon- ofcourse..i love you :)

paulisthebest- luv yea! 💋

paul smiled at the "i love you" he loves it when john says i love you too him. makes him feel much better. yet again he should catch up on the nap.

which he did and slowly dozed off for awhile.

{johns pov}

damn...paul is always horny he thought.
he never knew why such a popular and masculine person could be so submissive like this and ever so needy. whatever he loved when he was like this..so desperate.

his thoughts were cut off when mimi called him down for supper. he forgot about the food and somehow forgot he was hungry even.

he made his way out of his room before storming downstairs as the smell pf the meatloaf reaches his nostrils, it smelt so wonderful.

he sat down, before taking a bite he was interrupted by mimi.

"so..john, i actually wanted to ask you about something..." she sounded serious. which made john less hungry.

"yes mimi?" he asked nervously.

"i was just wondering...not to scare you or anything but who was that boy in your room a few nights ago?" she asked.

john choked on his saliva. "what?!" he choked out again.

"yea, who was the boy? seems like you two had a great time" she winked.

"MIMI STOP" he covered his face.

"im only kidding john, but you boys really need to keep it down or atleast let me know so i could put ear plugs in" she shook her head.

"i will...lets just not talk about this right now, not the best time we are eating" he looked away.

"since when did you ever have manners" she grinned.

"since now" he rolled his eyes before smiling.

hello! so this is just something to publish 😭 its not the best but its something! HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT 💋

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