{final chapter } - your really obsessed with me??~

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{time skip}

Both john and paul drove towards the closest take-out for breakfast before heading to the hell pit which was school

they both definitely haven't been there for awhile, but of course they will not pass if they just both decide to drop out; wasn't the plan for them both

even tho they want to be musicians and rule over this world with the amazing rockabilly music, as they thought they were gonna be singing

just hopes it doesn't come up to those silly love songs...

"alright..found a mcdonalds, what ye want?" john looked at paul with an arched eyebrow.

"ehh a wrap will do it and just whatever kind of tea they got" paul bite his lip.

"okay i guess ill do the same but without the tea" john then told the order to the lady on the other side of the screen.

once he was done, he drove up towards the window payed, got the food and paul's tea ofcourse

"here ye go love" john says as he handed paul his tea and food.

"thank you" paul said as he took a sip of his tea.

"ofcourse" john smiled as he took a bite of his wrap before heading on the road again.

they were silent the whole way to school but not the chewing and sipping.

as they were finishing the breakfast they arrived at school, a bit early tho but not a problem for both.
they just sat in the parking lot till it was time.

"yknow what i realized?" john turned his head.
"no? what is it" paul questioned.
"i remember the first time we met..you were so manly but ever since i came along, you became so soft" john bit his lip.

"people change yknow, its just something about you that changed my whole personality..but im still the good ol' paul" he laughed.

"that reminds me, i haven't texted this james in awhile i really hope he is doing alright. maybe ill give him a message right now" john said as he pulled out his phone.

"DON'T- i mean im sure he is alright ay?" paul slowly pushed johns hand down.

"you know the guy?" john asked.

"uhh, i think i seen him around the school" paul scratched his neck, he began sweating from fear..which caused him to fidget.

"are you alright love? your sweating heavily and pinching your clothing-"
he was cut off.
"YES..why wouldn't i be" he looked at the time. "oh look we should be heading to class now cmon" paul quickly got out the vehicle.

john rushed out the car and ran towards paul. "what is wrong with you, have you gone mad??" he started worrying.

"im alright john, lets just head to class" paul ran his fingers through his hair.

"if you say so" john wasn't letting him out of his sight, this man could do anything wrong.

{in class}

They were both separated by the teacher, for no reason which pissed john off.

but he did have a chance to message james for see how he was doing.


johnlemon - hey james, been awhile 🤷‍♂️

he looked away from his phone to see what he can from the board, but then he looked at paul just admiring him from a far.

the thing that confused him was when paul went on his phone and put it away was when his phone buzzed from james.

but he let that slide anyways, he wasn't gonna overthink that paul could be james this whole time.

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