{chapter 2} - i wish you knew~

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johns pov
in the morning i awoke..(ifykyk) it was peaceful, no sound but silence...it was nice till it felt to quiet. so decided to play some of elvis on me phone while i got ready.

-after getting ready-

i went down to see if there was anything to eat. which there was only toast but i didn't mind it was something, mimi really needs to get more varietys.

but it really was amazing, till i realized the time...IM LATE! i don't know how i got so caught up with that delicious toast...i really don't know why i care for school- its just learning something new.

-at school- (sorry i had nothing in mind)

john was at his locker to get his stuff for second period, possibly sneaking in his phone..

"hey john!" ringo yelled.

"oh hey rings" john smiled.

"wanna explain why you were late for first period" ringo question.

"oh im sorry mum. i was eating this delicious toast i forgot the time" john said in a fake sad tone.

"its alright mate" ringo chuckled.

"well cmon lets head the class before we end up late" ringo said dragging john.

"fineee since i have no choice" john whined.

they got to class and sat at the very back, the tables have two seats together in science so they shared it in the back.

"i actually like this class..the teacher ain't as strict y'know" ringo said.

"meh. i mean it isn't that bad im more of a english...since poetry is something i like" he said looking down.

"really? i really thought you were a skip everyday type...but you seem lke a good lad" ringo smirked.

"do i really look like that? i mean true but my aunt would kill me, i ain't risking it" john exclaimed.

ringo laughed. "you do, but about yesterday...i was meaning to ask you about paul, do you just let him flirt with you?"

"uh i mean he would stop eventually right?" john said concerned.

"no...he does that with someone he fancy's" ringo shrugged.

"oh...but i don't know how i feel about it y'know" john said.

"yea i do, there is this boy who gives me this huge smirk...i don't know his name i think its..geage? or george.." ringo wondered.

"ah so we both have queer problems i see" john giggled.

"yea i guess so" ringo elbowed his playfully.


pauls pov

it was lunch and today was so boring. but george always lit up the room which made the day go by better.

meanwhile george is munching on no one knows how many sandwichs, while paul was eating salad and fruit.

"so...geo i see you fancy that short bloke" paul said trying to make it less awkward.

"uhh yea he is quite the guy" george smiled.

"ah i see" paul smiled back.

"but im not desperate for his dick like you are" george chuckled before taking a bite.

"shut up" he said embarrassed.

"cmon if your that desperate why don't you make the first move?"

"i don't know...what if he doesn't like me? im just waiting for him to do it y'know"

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