{chaper 6} - working on us~

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[johns pov]

Me and paul were heading to the store, since we ran out of certain items, such as milk, cereal, some fruit, and much more which i dont wanna think about.

it was just a nice cruise down the road, not to far but i still insisted on taking the car since i was being lazy and didn't want to walk 5 minutes.

"you got the grocery list?" paul asked.

"why would i need it if i got memory" john smiled.

"im not helping you remember if you forgot it" paul squinted his eyes.

"okay i did bring it" he rolled his eyes.

"good, now you need to stop acting like you have great memory" paul smirked.

"but i do have great memory" he spat out.

"remember the time when we were out in strawberry fields" paul asked.

"yea ofc i do.." john replied.

"your lying to me, that never happened" paul laughed.

"nah im sure it happened before" he tried saving himself.

"mhm, i would have remembered that yknow" paul lifed his eyebrow.

"fine you slut, it never happened it was just i didn't want to sound stupid"

"your not stupid john, your smart in some ways"

"name some then"

"you write poetry, i could never.
your pretty much a genius"

"that doesn't help the question"

"be grateful for what you get" paul unbuckled his seatbelt.

"why you taking your seatbelt off?" john asked.

"we are already here? you were the one driving here, it was just you continued yapping along" paul giggled.

"ahh shut the fuck up" john laughed.

They then went inside the store, a pretty large store they could say. they never really went to this one but today was the day.

"wow its huge in here" john said.

"yea, now give me the list" paul turned to him.

"oh yea here" john gave the list to paul.

"alright...not much to spend, hope mimi gave us enough for everything" paul then made his way to the dairy area.

as they made their way towards the dairy area, john got distracted on spotting his good old pal, stu.

he never seen the man in ages, he wanted to go greet the guy.

"ill be right back paul" john said as he started walking.

"off too?" paul asked.

"just to look around yknow im bored" john smiled.

"alright..come back soon" paul said as he spun on his heel making his way back.

john then turned to make his way towards stu, the man he used to adore and be great mates with..but ever since paul he lost connection from stu but seeing him again made his day.

"oh my god, whats up stu" john smiled.

"oh my john, its been awhile" stu turned.

"it has been, so long" john put his arms behind his back.

"well how have you've been?" stu asked.

"oh its been great..how about you" john assured.

"its been great aswell, so..hows the love life? found anyone better than me?" stu smirked.

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