{chapter 5} - tidy and clean~

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(okay...smut after the — there is also dirty talk, you dont need to read after the —- also the ending is the same —-🗣️)

{johns pov}

i woke up to a very bloomy day, luckily it was the weekend and i don't have to face the school. all i could ever think about was what mimi said...was she teasing me, we would never know since she is mimi.

he picked up his phone and scrolled through hus social media, till he came to the name itsjames. i haven't heard the name in awhile..not long.

john then decided he would message james to see whats going on.

johnlemon- hey james

(few minutes later)

itsjames- hey johnn ❤️

johnlemon- how has it been?

itsjame- well its been...grand! you?

johnlemon- uhm its okay just woke up on a sad day, you like it?

itsjames- oh i love the rain, just only if we were making out in it 😉 wouldn't that be hot.

johnlemon- yea...but i got my eyes on another lad

itsjames- is it paul?

johnlemon- how do you know? are you spying on me?

itsjames- since day one. no ofc not its was a tough guess

johnlemon- mhm sure...well ill talk later ima go down for breakfast, cya

itsjames- alr alr bye my luv😚

john then turned off his phone, he was quite hungry even if he did just wanted to lie to james but he did feel it.

he got up from his bed and went downstairs to see if mimi ever started breakfast, and she did which he was thankful for.

"oh goodmorning john" mimi said.

"g'morning mimi" he yawned.

"how was your sleep?" she put plates on the table for them.

"ehh it was okay but wasn't terrible"

"thats good..." she smiled.

john didn't know why she was in a good mood, but he was going to find out why...he didn't like mimi being this way.

after eating his breakfast there was a knock at the door, he really didn't expect anyone.

"ahh..i think you should answer it john" she continued eating.

"uh..okay" john said, he then got up to walk to the front door to see who would be here so early, probably one of mimi's friends.

to his surprise it wasn't one of mimi's friends it was.

"paul?" john asked confused.

"hey john" paul smiled.

"heyy what are you doing here?" john smiled back.

"oh yknow mimi actually invited me" he winked.

john didn't understand what paul meant thats till..

"well john im gonna head out with the girls for a few hours, you and paul should..catch up" she fixed her outfit and her heels.

she then smiled at john then paul before walking out.

"have fun boys" she yelled.

paul waved goodbye to mimi, then turned back to john.

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