Something Off

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Of course, it's like any other day for Steve, solving a mystery with his loyal dog, Blue. Because of his high spirit and attitude, he never fails to solve a mystery. That's why he's the best at playing Blue's Clues, the game he made up in his mind.

Steve decides to go outside in his backyard, searching for another clue. He walks, then suddenly pauses. There's this sense, perhaps a voice, telling him to stop. He looks around and sees a blue paw print on a cloud. He smiles, finally, another Clue. His excitement is interrupted by confusion suddenly. "How did Blue—" He chuckled to cover his confusion but stares for a second.

"How did Blue get a paw print on the cloud?"

There's no thoughts in his mind, he just kinda accepts it. Besides, it's nothing out of the ordinary when you're friends with inanimate objects. Unable to speak or feel, yet somehow they do. At least in Steve's world.

But something felt different this time.

He's silent, thinking but not thinking much. This wrath of frustration builds within him. He doesn't know why and that makes him even more upset.

He goes back inside, deciding there's no point to it. Steve sighs and sits on his thinking chair, Blue comes inside to sit on his lap and comfort him as always when he's upset. Which is more often than he thinks. Maybe he's just in another derealization episode.

Steve slowly pets Blue, trying to make sure he's feeling her presence, making sure she's really there. Yup, she's there alright. He feels scared to take his eyes off her. There's overwhelming fear that's messing with Steve. The type of fear you get when you're having a bad nightmare. Except, he isn't asleep. For the most part.

He has to look up and around his house, he wants to make sure everything is real. The thought of inanimate objects being alive is terrifying. He gets up and walks to his kitchen, he looks at the cabinet he stores Salt n Pepper in. His hand shaking. Blue can sense that something's wrong with Steve. She keeps him comforted with her presence, so at least he can maybe feel less scared.

When he realizes Blue is there he does feel less scared. He slows reaches for the handle, his hand visibly shaking, he just goes for it and opens it quickly. There they are, Salt and Pepper, just there. Like normal objects, not alive. No ability to speak or move or have any sort of opinion on anything.

He feels so relieved, but a bit confused. He is friends with Salt and Pepper, did they just suddenly decide to go back to normal objects? Is that possible? Nah, what's not possible is talking to seasonings. This is all going on in Steves mind. He shuts the cabinet.

Blue is suddenly barking at Steve. She seems really eager about something important. "What is it, Blue? What do you want?" Steve softly asks Blue. Once she sees she finally got his attention she looks at him and barks once more before leading him across his kitchen, to a small cabinet. She barks as she darts her eyes between the cabinet and Steve. Steve slightly tilts his head in confusion. "Ohh, she probably wants me to open the cabinet..." He realizes. He opens the cabinet and there's small bottles of prescribed drugs. He takes one down and read the label, it has his name on it. He looks at the dates, it seems outdated.

The bottle still has many of the pills in them. Steve doesn't even know why he has these. Whatever, it couldn't be anything too severe since Steve isn't sick. He's active and healthy. He rotates it around, examining and reading carefully when something catches his eye. "Schizophrenia", In bold letters. When he first laid eyes on that word the first thought he had was, "That's a big word." It didn't take long for Steve to fully register the word, his memory of it came back.

"Oh fuck."

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