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[A/N: DISCLAIMER ‼️ There's gonna be some violence in this chapter. Also I included Josh in this AU, where Josh and Steve don't know they are cousins. They met as roommates]
Steve - 22
Joe - 19
Josh - 22
For as long as Steve could remember, he always liked Josh (platonically). Steve got accepted into college not too long ago. Josh was his roommate.

He wasn't regularly all that nice to people, and by people we're talking people his age or adults. But Josh was super friendly and they had a lot in common.

He didn't have anything against him, even when he first met him. Which, usually when he meets new people he's uptight and anxious. But when he met Josh he was calm, he felt safe around him.

Steve just didn't wanna hurt him, so he kept a reasonable amount of distance. Josh seems too perfect, too nice to ruin. Ok, it's a little aggravating thinking about him for too long. Josh is just flawless. He's always had a great life, but I'll spare the details for another time.

One day Josh decided to ring up Steve and invite him and his brother, Joe, to a rock concert in town. Steve hasn't been outside in a while, he's trying to steady himself and get used to the pills.

But this was an offer he couldn't refuse. At least not for Josh. He told him he'll meet him there. Josh's mind is pretty much filled with enthusiasm so he was excited. It flustered Steve a bit to think about how happy Josh got to spend quality time with him.

Steve told his little brother when and where to be. At 5:30 PM Steve took his pills and drove to the place. It was a band called "Foo Fighters," to say the least, their songs are so good it's intoxicating. Steve isn't new to rock, he's always been grunge, maybe a bit gothic even.

But he didn't expect for Josh to be into that type of music. When he arrived the nearly-winter sky was setting. He puts his hand in his pockets then suddenly felt a vibration, it was his phone. Of course Josh was calling him.

"Hey, you there yet?" Josh questioned as soon as Steve picked up. "Yes, I'm here, where are you?" His voice was a bit flat. "Oh, never mind. I see you. Byeee~" Josh hung up.

Steve stared at his phone for a second then glanced to the right when he heard his name, "Steve! Hi, oh, it's great to see you." Josh greeted Steve with a hug, Steve slightly hugged back but wasn't sure where to put his hands since he doesn't hug much. "Where's Joe?" Josh asked. Not even 15 seconds into the conversation and Josh is already asking about Joe.

"He's gonna get here later." Steve replied, Josh nodded. "Also— since when were you into rock?" Steve questioned since he had the chance to.

"Let's just say I had a phase in high school..." Josh shrugged. "Didn't we all?" Steve chuckled and so did Josh. Then awkward silence interrupted the atmosphere.


"Are you alright?" Josh broke the silence. Steves eyes darted back to Josh's dark eyes. "Yeah, I'm just.. getting used to some medication." "Oh, ok!" Josh replied like it was nothing. He glanced around and some people caught his eye. Josh is pretty popular, which makes sense because he could become friends with anyone and anything.

"Uh, you wouldn't be mad if I ditched you for a couple of minutes, would you?" Josh questioned which made Steve chuckle. "Nah, I don't need friends. Just don't take too long."

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