sneaking out - eight

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a/n - please vote!

i look at olivia as she chuckles, shaking her head. maybe she was shaking her head because of how personal that question was.

"no, i haven't," olivia says.

i furrow my eyebrows. maybe she was embarrassed. i mean, what was the harm of at least saying a 'maybe'?

i start to walk away, putting my headphones back on. i put on my music, walking back to my bike.

2 weeks later
i decided to not message olivia to see if she would text first, considering i texted her first every single time. 

she had called me for the first time since her today show, 2 weeks later.

"hi," olivia says as i leave the phone against my ear. "hi," i respond. "how are you?" she asks. "fine. you?" "fine, too." i don't respond, wondering if she was gonna bring it up.

there was a few seconds of silence before olivia speaks. "um... i don't really know what to say," she chuckles awkwardly. i take a second or two to respond as i decide whether or not to bring it up.

i take a deep breath, "i saw you perform at the today show... and that 'q and a' thing." "you did?" olivia asks, with a mixture of excite and shock. "why'd you lie?" i ask, "about not dating anyone? are you embarrassed of me?" "what- y/n, no," olivia says, "you know it's not like that." say, "i just- i wish you had told me that you were gonna keep us a secret." "why's it such a big deal, though? i mean, at least we know that we're dating, right? why does it matter what the public thinks?" she asks, "if anything, you should be thanking me. what if your dad decided to come after you or something?" "do you know we're dating?" i ask, "because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it this past month." "y/n, i told you i've been busy," she says. "but you can't spare one hour to hang out with your girlfriend?" i ask. olivia sighs, staying quiet.

i shake my head, thanking that this wasn't a facetime. "maybe you don't even wanna hang out with me anymore," i say my thoughts out loud, "i figured that you'd eventually tired of just... eating ice-cream and talking on a hill." "don't-" "i don't think i can do this, anymore, olivia. i'm sorry i didn't give you better." 

i hang up before olivia can get the chance to argue. maybe if i had just taken her out on more actual dates. maybe this was for the better.

1 week later
i read olivia's texts that spanned over the week. that was the most she's texted me this whole time. how ironic.

i missed her a lot. but i know that i'd just hurt the both of us if i responded to her. olivia was meant for such bigger things. 

of course i've regretted a lot of things. i just wish i could go back to the nights where she'd sneak out of her house. we acted like sitting on a hill was the most exciting thing to happen every week. it was for me, at least.

another week later
olivia hasn't texted me in three days, normally she'd text every 1-2 days. maybe she's finally given up. 

i didn't want her to give up, though. i know i haven't responded to them, but i would cross the ends of the earth if the situation was swapped around. maybe she wouldn't do the same for me. i wonder if she still thought of me. if she even misses me.

olivia's pov
of course i miss her. there's not one minute where i don't think about her. i haven't even told my parents we've broken up. i didn't want to believe it. i couldn't.

if i had just spent one hour with my fucking girlfriend every week.

i get out of the uber, walking to the ice-cream shop that was at the end of the block.

y/n's pov
i walk into the ice-cream store, looking around. "not here with your girlfriend this time?" antonio, the store owner, asks. "um, no," i let out a small chuckle, "just... the chocolate chip ice-cream, please." 

i watch antonio as he nods, taking a waffle cone. he looks up, and to his left to the door. "oh, there she is!"

what did he mean? i look at the door, seeing olivia walk in. we look at each other, and olivia looks at antonio. that's what he meant. "hi, antonio," olivia greets. "hi, olivia," antonio says, "your girlfriend's beat you here." i look away once olivia meets eye contact with me again.

olivia lets out a soft chuckle as she stands a fair distance from me, "looks like it."

why couldn't she admit we weren't dating? i mean, she did it pretty easily before. i look around the store. god, anywhere beside looking at her. "i haven't seen you in a while," antonio says, placing my scoop of ice-cream on the cone. "yeah, i know," olivia breathes out, standing a safe distance from me as she leans her hips against the counter, "just been really busy." antonio puts my ice-cream over the glass and i take it, moving over to where i pay after a small 'thank you'. "am i able to get a mint chocolate chip, please?" olivia asks. "no problem," he says, scooping olivia's.

"paying together or separately?" antonio asks as he makes his way to the register on the other side of the counter. "together," i say. olivia stands beside me, and i pay with my phone. "thank you," i say once it approves, starting to walk away. "thank you," olivia says. "you guys have a good night!" he says as i open the door. 

i walk out by myself, hearing the boots of olivia's. she walks beside me, "thanks... for the ice-cream." "it's fine," i say, mentally rolling my eyes as it comes out as a whisper. 

olivia continues to follow me as i make my way up the hill. i sit down, and olivia sits beside me. we eat our ice-cream in silence for a few minutes.

"why're you here?" i ask. "to see you," olivia says, "i missed you." "why couldn't you miss me before?" i ask. "y/n... please," olivia sighs, "i did miss you. i do miss you. i still miss you."

i knew i was being a little immature with all this pettiness. "who goes to new york for two days?" i blurt out, looking at her.

olivia cracks a smile, "me." i look away, "did you see the statue of liberty, at least?" olivia takes out her phone, and i look at the wallpaper of us. i look away. mine was still us too. it hurt too much to change it.

she shows me a photo, and i smile as it was a selfie of liv with the statue of liberty. "i guess the trip wasn't totally unnecessary, then," i say. "it wasn't," olivia chuckles, turning her phone off. i look at the bottom bit of the cone. it was olivia's favorite part for some reason. it wasn't even filled with chocolate.

i hand it to olivia. she looks at me. "take it," i say. "thanks," olivia smiles, eating it. she lets out a satisfied groan, and i look away with a small smile.

"i missed you too," i say. "i... know you did. i'm sorry," she says. "after all this... you're still everything to me," i whisper. "you're still everything to me, too," olivia says, "and i do love sitting here and talking to you with an ice-cream cone in my hand, i promise i do. it's the little things that make me happy. you make me happy." "i'm taller than you," i lightly joke. olivia laughs, "you're so stupid." she takes the last bite of her ice-cream cone, smiling.

"i still have your leather jacket," olivia says, "from months ago." "i know," i say. "do you want it back?" she asks. i shake my head, "it's okay. you can have it." "but... it's the one you always wear," she says. "i have other leather jackets, liv." "ah, right. they're your brand," she smiles, looking at my lips for a second as she bumps my shoulder with hers.

even thought it wasn't even a big deal, my heart started to race at olivia and i's touch. i stare at the grass, moving my head to olivia's shoulder. "i'm proud of you," i whisper.

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