chapter 1

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In the vast city of Beijing there are a lot of people doing there desired works running here and there between all these their in the big mention a girl is seen to be training more like whining
Left,Right, crunch and jump her brother was instructing her

She is dodging the attacks throw by her brother still whining
Shutup!!! Her brother said well if we talk about her brother who is just sitting in a chair on the second floor of basement just clicking the buttons and different type of attacks are thrown toward his sister and he is just watching from glass window which is open a smile is on his face because his sister whining that he wake her up early and she is tired but still doding the attacks very smoothly like a professional which she is

Ok stop!! He said by standing from his seat he throws a towel towards her who dramatically fell on the ground but catch the towel

Get ready for uni and stop being dramatic he said and went away

After she confirmed that her brother is no more near she said huh!! Now I have to ready for too my brother wants to die virgin but why he want me to die virgin ahhh!!! She said sarcastically

At breakfast table
So how is your studies going?asked Xiao zhan

Mana choke on her food which she was chewing a while ago and again said dramatically
Geee!!!!why you want me to die virgin just don't talk about shit's when we are eating
She fail in her yesterday test and she will never tell her ge because if she told him then he will wake him more early not only for training but for these stupid book just to bitter her mood in early morning she is not going to tell her brother nooo a big fat no her train of thought were broken when Xiao zhan flick her head
Ahhh!!!! She rub her head and asked what was that for?

I know you did something so don't pressure your small I Will find it out myself said Xiao zhan with a smirk

You really are cruel she said looking at her brother annoyingly and with that a not so peaceful breakfast take place because of siblings bickering and teasing


On the other side of the city in a beautiful room which was more like a forest or garden because of its interior books were scattered here and there some are on the ground and some were covering a human completely which is sleeping without any care of the world

Alarm sound was heard the boy which was sleeping jerk up with saying
Good morning!! Wake wake have a nice day he said and tap his own cheeks and smile then run towards bathroom to do his morning routine

Wang YIBO pov
Hello my name is Wang YIBO and I m an omega boy but only me and my two besties seougyoun and mana knows instead of them every one think that I am a beta now you also know but don't tell anyone or else they will pissed me off well still they are pissing me but then if they come to know that I m an omega they will eat me alive let it be you are must be thinking of why I wake like that it's because I am an orphan my parents died when I turn 18  I live in this apartment alone my father was CEO of Wang crops and now I have to take over it after I complete my studies right now my uncle qiren is handling our business will if u ask me personally I seriously don't like these bessnius type thing from my childhood I wanted to become a singer dancer an idiol (signed)well I was telling about my waking style just to make myself that I m not alone I know it's kind of weird but what can u expect from an orphan my life really sucks me sometime but then I have to bear because I m an orphan my friends tell to find a lover but then I don't trust in these things it really sucks my mind

No on pov
YIBO did his breakfast and start walking towards his uni since uni is not far and walking is good for health that's what YIBO think he was walking until a car in full speed was coming towards him he put his hand infront of his face as he was not able to move from the spot he was ready to get hit but the car stop just hit his knee a little bit then YIBO how will be he called drama queen if he didn't create any drama so he started to scream in pain
Ahhh!!! And fall himself on the ground
The person in the car come out angrly  but when he saw YIBO his anger doubled or tripled

Why I didn't though that a person like can Walk infront of other or wait if you want to suside then there a lot of ways why you want to drag other citizen in police said the guy mockingly

YIBO who heard the sound left his head and he gritted his teeth he don't know that this old man will be inside the car the wish to annoy the car driver increase double and triple times
Ohh!! Why I didn't that a mad old man like u will drive the car this arrogantly that he can not see the people crossing the road he retroted back still sitting on the ground holding his ankle which is not hurting at all because he got hit on knee

Ohh!!! Really since I am an old man you are the youngster why u didn't open you eyes to see whether the road is clear or not said the guy

You know what I don't have any Time to explain things to an old man like you so stay YIBO said pushing the boy little before the guy could say anything
Geee!! YIBO!!!
The two turn around and saw mana
Why you both are fighting again?what happened?

See mana I think your brother is blind and he also have a serious personality disorder he need a doctor what if someone happened to him YIBO said putting his index finger below his chin then again he put his complete hand on his mouth to show fake sensirouty and said ohh 😯 what a lost Tsk tsk

Xiao zhan was gritting his teeth he wanted to give a good lesson to this beta but then he is a gentleman so he can't and here mana was in her own thoughts after her brother left since he got a call and have to go early then him mana take her car keys and left for uni during the road she spotted her brother standing in the middle of the road she also saw a guy sitting on the ground but was not able to see him completely she left her glasses and then she saw her best friend Wang YIBO and if her brother and friend are together then there is no peaceful conversation between them ohh!! How she wished them to become one but then her brother who act as an arrogant brat infront of YIBO and her bestie always act as a sassy queen her train of thought were broke when she hear her brother who said
You know what I hate u !!

Here YIBO standing with a smirk hands fold infront of his chest he said
Feeling is mutual my dear enemy

Zhan gritted his teeth and said you know what you just stand or mei take your friend to a mental hospital don't worry I will pay the expenses said zhan to who was just nervously standing there

No need use the money on yourself because you need more and don't worry I will also give you money if you're is not limited YIBO retroted mockingly

You need mental hospital not me said zhan pointing his finger towards YIBO

You! need YIBO retroted with same action 

You !
You !
Both were glaring and pointing there fingers on each other
Both of them flinch this it was mana she had enough of these two she was fuming with anger both of them shivered when they saw her deadly glare

You pointed towards her brother and said go where do you want to go he just nodded and went away

And you pointed at yibo and said come with me and with it was the end of the stupid yet childish fight and they all went on there ways

So that was the first chapter tell me your thoughts  and don't worry there will be more zhanyi scene it's just that I also want to show siblings love too

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