chapter 17

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"What!???" Yibo was completely shock
"Ge I know you were involved with this grumpy cold stonic and cunning alpha but don't joke around to cover him or yourself  him ok I am mad but please 🥺 say that you are lying cause mom dad got into an accident then" his voice break at last while his eyes were welding tears 😭

" control yours...'said leed but before he could complete YIBO cut him and said

"How!?ge and why !?.... F..five y..year.....five years I live with a clear lie my parents were died  b...because..e o..of..f an accident b..but t.. today a..after five damp year I come to know that my parents were killed they were planed m.. murdered how should I control geeee tell me??"

This is for the first time that zhan see YIBO in this state because yibo was an omega but his emotion were strong then those of alphas being an omega still YIBO shows himself strong like nothing hurt him even on that night 🌃 when they were in  the 🚗 car zhan knows that their was something that yibo  was afraid of but he close zhan's eyes so that he (zhan) can not see YIBO's crying 😭 state but right now the condition of YIBO is not that good because zhan can see it looks like YIBO is completely broken 💔 and now he is cursing himself because he thought that If they told YIBO then their Mission we'll be successful he forgets that this is not bussniss not his black market were every time you have to play a card to made the person towards your side......

"Y..YIBO listen "said mana while trying to hug him but YIBO refused and look at her   with his Misrebal  state and asked.....

"Tell me mana you were my friend do you knew that from start..? do you knew that my parents were killed they were murdered!? tell me mana tell me naaa pleaseeee so you know who did this pleaseee mana if you know then tell me"  he was shaking mana who was trying to hold him and at last mana hug 🫂 him tightly

"Yibo please cry your heart out you need it please" mumble mana

And YIBO who tears were already flowing just get a chance he hug 🫂 mana tightly like his life depands on it and start crying like a baby and start complaining

"M...Mana i..I am b...bad child of my p...parents you all m..ust be thinking naaa" said YIBO while tightly hugging her

"No no bobo you are bestest omega child of the entire world 🌎 your parents must be proud of you" said mana while she tight her hold so that his friend can get the comfort

"Hahahah.....uwahhhhhh...... yibo first laugh then started crying and said
Y...You are l..lying mana I..I am failed...d a child.  j...Justice  far away....y  I..I never get to know that my parents were killed..d I never once..e t..tried to find how they died..d I..I am failed mana...."

Zhan who was standing there looking at all these cannot stand anymore an omega like YIBO who is strong and proud cannot call himself failed omegas like YIBO are rare who didn't use any tricks in their works or any other things omega like YIBO who have a goal to stand on his own feet's are really rare and precious 💞 they have their own 💎 jewel and light which cannot be spread by every omega only rare one  like YIBO have this charm and this one thing always insist zhan to respect this omega no matter how much yibo taunt him or Annoy him but zhan still respect this omega because this omega is rare like other YIBO can also take a short cut by seducing someone and also zhan and everyone present in the room knows that their is no mistake of YIBO in his parents murder but being a dignified child he blam himself but zhan cannot allow YIBO to ruin himself dignity or respect the ego YIBO held is precious that no other have.....

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