chapter 12

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Leed was standing at his room balcony thinking something very deeply he was hell confused about everything that happened in the party and after the party  like what that alpha girl mana want? He not know her completely before this party he only knows her as YIBO friend and his boss sister but the thing she said to him is somewhat so much confusing

Flashback when mana take him from the omegas

Mana who was holding leed hand so firmly like if she left it then leed will go but leed was experiencing new emotions like his heart was beating so so fast that he was scared that he will get a heart attack.....

When mana take him a little side from people she turn to him and glare at him he was really scared from the girl who was looking at  him like will kill him anytime but leed get a little courage and said " t..thank you m..miss mana"

"For what ?" Asked mana coldly while raising her left brow

"F..for helping me to get away from these Omegas "said leed still a little confused and mana smile a little but her smile gone on leed next words he said "that your like my didi he also helped me in these situations but I will call you mei mei "

Mana visibly clench her jaws and before leed chould say anything she grab his collar and bent him so that she can reach his ear level and then she said "call me whatever you want but dare you call me your sister then I myself don't know what will I do and one more thing don't flirt with these Omegas when you belong to someone like me" with that she left his collar her voice was so cold and leed was already frozen by her actions he was still bending there processing everything but mana left she don't want to become an obsessive creep but she got hurt when she hear the thought of leed about herself so that's why she left from there

Back to present

Leed was belweird about all these

"What did she meant?" mumble lead but then shrugged and try to sleep he will think about it later and also mana is youger she can say anything but he is older so he should think a little mature

With Xiao zhan

Mister Sean Xiao zhan was sitting in chair of his home office thinking about a specific some one and cherry on the top was he was smiling while thinking about that stupid omega who is over his brain from the time he enter his life sometimes because of his whining some time because of his childish attitude sometimes because of his over smart thinking sometimes because of his shouting that annoy zhan alot but still he like it and sometimes because of that beautiful yet cute smile which zhan want to remain in his entire life

What??? Zhan though did he really want that annoying omega his entire life no no no what is zhan even thinking never ever he can't bear that omega for a min than entire life is no never ever yet..... he was managing his inner thought when his phone ring
He saw the caller id and frown because Allen Ren was calling him

[Allen Ren zhan left hand in mafia also his personal detective+ a good hacker not like mana but still a good hacker age 30 years have no family very loyal to zhan]

Hello said zhan in his usual cold voice

Sir I got information can we meet asked Allen from other side and zhan just hmm in response

After about 30 min Allen wan sitting infront of zhan and zhan was looking at him while raising his brows and Allen just nodded and handed the file which contains information and start narrating it

Sir the accident was intentional as we all know beforehand but it was not in intention to kill miss mana but to kill seuonyoung and also to kidnap Wang YIBO said Allen and stop for zhan

Zhan who was listening everything attentively plus reading the file stop when YIBO name mentioned he look at Ren and asked through eyes like seriously and Allen start continue

Yes sir the file I give to you have information of Wang YIBO he was son of late Mr wang fengmian and Mrs Wang Carmen who  was childhood friend of your parents said Allen and zhan look at him shockingly Allen countinue and said yes sir it's true and one more thing that your parents hide is that he is bethrol to you......

But the thing that is important to know is that the person who use your uncle  for supply of bomb and then uses Jonny to attach the bomb to the bus knows both YIBO and youn and from the hacking and sources I got to know one thing that is the person is the Korean mafia Kim li min Yang (sorry I am not good in Korean name )

But why will the Korean mafia want to kill youn and also why he will kidnap Wang YIBO asked zhan belweird

Sir about YIBO I got to know that he went to Korea so many time especially during his teenage days and during that time period one time he meet an unknown person whom he helped but I don't think so that Korean mafia will take help from him said Allen jokingly but zhan just stare him he clear his throat and again countinue

One more thing although in this operation miss mana was not targeted but Jonny who take the task as yes was there with the strategy to kidnap or kill miss mana to weaken you and your uncle was the big sponsor of it

Zhan clenched his jaws he really hate his uncle because of his childish act and now it's time for his uncle to pay because if someone dare to touch or harm Sean Xiao zhan family then they have to bare  the consequences he smirk devilishly and said

Allen I think it's time to give my beloved uncle his gift because I cannot give a second chance to anyone who have there eyes on what's mine either it's my uncle or the Korean mafia ........

With mana

Mana laying was  on her bed staring at the seeling she was cursing herself for losing control but can you blame her when the person for whom she fell think of her as a sister like seriously she was hell frustrated by that stupid alpha thought

Now she will make sure to make this stupid alpha fall for her so deeply that he can't breathe without her with that though she fell a sleep

Sorry for the boring chapter but I have to go with story line ❤️💚

Thank you

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