chapter 6

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In a large computer room someone can be seen working on a keyboard only the sound of button clicking could be heard the person is very focused on his work and after sometime a smirk appear on her face and click the last button and after the click a series of information could be seen that has been hacked by the person who is no other than mana

She picked up her phone and call her brother and said hello ge how was your night with my friend she asked in a teasing way

On the other side zhan look at the person beside him who is still sleeping looking really cute and zhan want that he could be like this forever but what even he is thinking this person is a little devil when is awake so he roll his eyes and said why did you call ? In a very cold way so that mana did not dare to tease him further

And here mana when hear her brother cold voice understand that it will be not good to tease her brother further so she said after clearing her throat: congratulations brother we have hacked there data now that land is our and no one can even think of taking it away from us

Zhan smirk and said: good just left the remaining work on me and he chuckled darkly but soon he felt movement besides him he look at the other side and the person who was sleeping before is now trying to open his eyes for Zhan this is the most cute site but will he well admit damn! A big fat no

Mana when felt that her brother is lost she completely understand that their should be something happening between them so she again in teasing way said : I think you are lost in someone eyes she pause and again said ok then I should hang up bye you enjoy your time and before zhan could said the call get disconnected he look at his phone then YIBO who was rubbing his eyes for him like the time stopped but why ? He don't know

Why are you looking at me like you will kill me in next second?asked YIBO and now zhan come back from his trace

Uh...huh....n.. nothing the rain is s..stopped and we can leave at mention and almost I.. it's m..morning you see said zhan try to avoid the eye contact he don't why but his heart is beating crazily and why the hell he is shuttering

Yibo was looking at him speciously but then he shrugged it off and nodded he don't want to go there but t only not this beast will be there but also his angle friend mana will also be there so he don't have a problem with her

On the other side mana come back to her room she did her morning routine and now she standing in her balcony she is wearing a beautiful pink hude while looking outside her eyes is closed when suddenly a face come infront of her eyes she quickly open her eyes and now hurt could be seen in her eyes yes that face is no other than leed just mare though of beat her heart but with that the action of lead day before also bring hurt that why just after knowing that she is an alpha he retreated his hand why the spark in his eyes fade why he ignore her after she try her best to talk to him all these thoughts were roaming in her brain a lone tear escape from her eyes

When she felt her cheek is wit she touch her cheek and clean the tear and said I don't know how I can fell for somebody just after seeing only twice but I will try my best to get you not by force but by love and I don't know why you don't like the fact that I am an alpha but I will make you accsept me of me being an alpha although I am your omega she thought and smile  her train of thought were broken when she saw her brother car she run towards the main door because she want to meet her bestie when zhan saw that mana is running towards him he open his arms for his sister but mana cross him hug her bestie who was still sleepy but awake and also hugged her back giving a smirk to zhan who stomp hid feet and roll his eyes and went towards mana and YIBO broke the hug and chuckle at him

At breakfast

Three of them were sitting on the breakfast table but a contest was held between zhan and YIBO as both were glaring at each other and mana was facepalming herself at there childishness  because mana was paying more attention to YIBO while zhan was galring at them when YIBO saw his glare he also start glaring at him he really don't know why zhan was glaring at him but if it zhan he will always glare back because he can't lose argument from zhan

Mana signed and asked in disbelief how old are you two?

Three!!!  both said together and again look at eachother sorry glare at eachother other and mana have to do something quickly before the starting of world war three

Ok ok YIBO are you going to uni trip asked mana to lighten the atmosphere and YIBO avert his eyes from zhan and said yes I am going youn is also going

That's will be great said mana happily but in zhan mind youn name was ringing like why YIBO know about him more why he take his name before mentioning his trace was broken by YIBO who flick his head

Ouch!!! Said zhan while rubbing his head and galre at laughing YIBO and mana

Ge we are going and today I will be late as we  are going for a trip so I have to make the  arrangement as I and YIBO are managing the trip and yah please take your meal at time ok bye

Since from when you're trip will start? asked zhan he don't know why but he is uncomfortable in his heart not only mana but for YIBO also

After 4 days now dear mama would you leave us..... this time it was who irritatedly answer and before zhan could say he dragged mana and went away

The night is dark the entire city is quite but a man is standing at the top of a mountain near the city was not affected at all he was just looking at a building very coldly  his face was expressionless  and his bodyguard who were standing near him were shivering just watching his back but the man has no movement he was just looking at tha tallest building of the city which was looking so luxurious so beautiful but in this man eye there was no admiration for the building just after few minutes one of the glass window of the building break and fell from top of the building and one by one in just 1 min the entire building become sand but the man smirk and thought it's just begaining my uncle just wait and watch at one last stare at the building he went away

Ignore the mistakes ❤️💚

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