chapter 4

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A man can be seen in dark room tied to chair with his head low and another man is standing infront of him in black suit with a smirk on his face " bring the things' said the man in black suit and another man who is his guard bow and left

Ge what are you going to do with him you know if I am not needed then I am going said mana annoyingly yes and the man in black is no other than our Xiao zhan

Mei just wait I need to talk to you? Then I am leaving I have some works at our new branch said zhan still looking at the man who was sitting with his head low zhan suddenly zhan grab his hair and asked who told you to leak information of my company you know that to whom will you deal asked Xiao zhan with calm but icy tone which send shiver to mana spine

I will not tell you!!! shouted the man
Zhan smirk he lean on the chair with his foot on the handle and said you will my dear you will

In mean time the man who leave for the tool come and place then on a table and start preparing zhan fold his hand near his chest while still looking at the man from head to toe

Warning ⚠️ touter seen skip if you are uncomfortable

So what will you like asked zhan while putting his both hands on the table while looking at the man

The man move his face at one side in which zhan roll his eyes and said ok I already know what am I going to do with you I was just asking for your convenience so let's start with your nails the man widen his eyes and zhan smirk and asked what afraid with just this let me show you the practical and one by one he started taking nails of man who screaming

Please!!! ahhhhh!!!! please!!!! Ahhhh the man was screaming on the top of his lungs but every of his scream was deaf ear to everyone present in the room

What you didn't enjoy asked mana making a sad face brother give you good welcome but I don't think so you are satisfied with it hmmm!!! She flick his head the man was sweating while tears was falling from his eyes while  mana said what about I cut your fingers so that next time oppss!!!! There is no next time for u I forget so let start with your finger hmm and one by one she starting cutting of his fingers blood was everywhere in the man

Ahhhh!!! Please please no

No!!! asked mana with an innocent face then tell us

The man starting laughing like a mad man and said you hahahahah you will never know about my boss hahahaha...uhhhh  before he again start laughing zhan put a cloth in his mouth and said my dear let's not go leanior on you with that he said to his man bring the coffen and here the man widden his eyes with horror zhan's man put him on the coffen more like tied him but there was no glass on his face the man was screaming but it was not coming out because of the clothes and he was shaking his head in denial

Why you were happy with the toture so enjoy said zhan while he lean on the chair the main signal that I will tell but give pleading eyes said that don't do this so zhan said to his man whso were putting mud on the cuffen
And said speak!!!!

My boss is  Xiao yang hae zhan and mana was shocked but they didn't show on there face he once again kick the man in stomach and oder his men to finish him but mana was more fast so before any can do anything she already shot him while zhan shook his head at her ethics

Time skip 4:0pm 

Both siblings were sitting and mana can see her brother distress so asked
Ge are you ok?

Yes actually I have a bit head ache uhhh!! mana  you meet my junior today  at the mention of leed she froze but restrain herself and hurt could be seen in her eyes but she mask it and asked her brother and said uhhhh yes but why are you asking ge ?

Do you know him ? asked Zhan reticulantly

Now mana was nervous but she said yes ge he is yibo 's cousin actually I didn't know it before until he mentioned it but I saw that guy at airport when we were at mission

When mana said that leed was yibo ' s cousin zhan secretly release a breath that he don't know he was holding he really don't know why it's matter to him that YIBO have a partner or not but the thought itself bring distress in him and he just want a peace of mind yes that's for now what he wanted (author: are you sure zhan ge ?
  Zhan: hundred percent
   Author: 😏 ok ge)

After conversation zhan with his car left for a long drive to fresh his mind although he knows that leed is yibo cousin but still the memories of there closeness still made him insecure
But why he is insecure he don't know while driving he saw a small food cottage he knows that mana love street food and he himself also like so why not buy it he stop his car at parking lot and come out from his car but he got a call he pick and start moving toward the food cottage he was so immersed in the call that he didn't notice the person infront of him who was also busy in his phone while walking until he bumped with something hard and lose balance the person close his eyes waiting for his back to kiss the ground but he was flying in the air

YIBO open his eyes and froze on his spot...... here zhan was also lost in his eyes the person who was the reason of his distress is now in his arms but he is feeling light his heart is pounding he is happy but why and here YIBO for the first time feel something unsual in his body his he was feeling butterfly in his stomach both were lost in each other eyes but YIBO was the first who come to his senses due to throat clearing sound when he saw at left he saw his leed ge smirking at him he look at him then zhan then again leed and this time he kick zhan with his one hand

Zhan who was still in daze come back his senses YIBO glare at him signal him to make him stand properly

Uhhh...huh without these nothing was coming out of zhan mouth he help YIBO to stand and start looking here and there while YIBO to relax himself said you!! Did you charge for bumping at me

Uhhhh... Huh for the first time zhan cannot answer this beta who he called his biggest enemy to be honest to if zhan say that he don't want to lose contact that this will not be underestimate he want to hold this beta a little more but this stubborn beta

Here YIBO was frustrating with him for the first he is feeling this stupid thing and this stupid is not answering him he really want to kick this alpha but he restain himself he look at left and his leed gee was sitting in chair while eating his burger zhan also follow his gaze and saw the person now again he start feeling annoyed and said I am not the one you are the one who was walking like blind person

Look mister zhan if you have to talk with your girlfriend or whatever you have please this street is not your personal property call to whoever you want when you are not walking at least

And how do you know that I am talking to my girlfriend asked zhan while crossing his hands near his chest he really don't like the fact that YIBO is shipping with anyone else other than himself

Whatever said YIBO while rolling his eyes in mean time leed also reach there and said zhan thank god you are here actually I got an important call and I was thinking how to drop my princess can you please give me a favor and drop him home I can trust you

Nooooo shouted YIBO he paused and said with this alpha I m not going anywhere and here zhan he was happy he don't know why but he is happy he only know that

You are going with him said leed strictly he saw YIBO again opening hai mouth so he give him his famous deadly glare to which YIBO obidently nodded his head and here zhan he smile internally while thanking leed

Xiao yang hae is zhan and mana uncle he want hi omega daughter to get married to zhan but zhan give a deaf ear to him he just want there property nothing else

Thank you ❤️💚

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