chapter 13

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A person wearing complete black like a shadow is moving in a mantion away from the eyes of the guards and servants he is killing every guard very quietly without any mercy he was moving in qualidoor of the mention when he feel some steps he quickly hide behind the nearest wall then he again look and saw a guard was moving towards  his side he remain silent when he make sure the guard didn't notice him he quickly cover his mouth and break his neck  and just shook his head and left with a smirk after sometime the person reach infront of a room where two guards were guarding he down both of them with his ninja blade and also enter inside the room.....

When he enter inside the room he was surprised to see the room there were a lot of screens which was showing every movement that is happening in the mention he smirk and close every camera in the mention the mention was so big that nearly cover the forest the person in black close all the camera and now he want to get what he wanted and in just a min he hack down all the computers of hae enterprises and just smirk when he saw it after about 15 min he got a call

Congratulations Mr Sean hae enterprises went bankrupt in just 10 min fastest record you have made but still bro you are not fast as me you know if you had take me with you then it would had be more quick said mana while praising herself and here zhan just roll his eyes....

Whatever I am cutting the call bye said zhan while mana pouted and said meaniee~~

And here zhan mumble now this mantion is of my no use so let's free this area from the burden of this mantion he once again boringly look at the room and then roll his eyes and left

After sometime zhan come out from inside the mantion and little distance after 5 min an a helicopter his Friend Cheng was present and he fountain some liquid on the mention and zhan smirk at his friend who just give him a wink and proud look when Cheng go back with helicopter and zhan turn towards the mantion and take out a liter from his pocket blow it and throws it towards the mention and again wear his black cap and mask showing him just like a shadow......

Here the mantion start burning while zhan was moving out the mantion a smirk was present on his face he still mumble so Xiao hae yang let's see if you are able to see tomorrow sunrise....

At YIBO place

YIBO was sitting in his living room while watching his tv plus studying more like whining while leed was glaring at him...

Ge I told you I have already prepare my presentation and still I work hard I just bunk a class it's not like I have performed Any sin the way you are glaring is making me like a sinner so please stop.......and also you have punished me enough like making me clean the house even bathrooms and making me study from last 5 hour pleaseeeeeee gee I am so tired....said YIBO and pouted

Leed sign and said when will you grow YIBO I think I should stop you to befriend with mana because I am not getting any good vibes I th....he was about to say but was cut by YIBO who said

Are you kidding me ge I thought you will take my help to approach her but here you are even making my friendship with her difficult

Why will I ask your permission to approach her said leed while raising his eyes

Come on ge don't be shy shy I know you like her said YIBO while leed choke on the water he was drinking

What?? Why you are acting like I said some kind of biological term that is not good to hear said YIBO annoyedly still not getting the fact what happened to his geee

Who told you I like her asked leed a little loudly

You don't need to shout and the way you act it's simple to assume anything said YIBO still annoyed but then again continue well whatever I think I misunderstood it's ok and also I think xuan ge like her so there is no need for you to approach my friend said YIBO trying to notice his brother expression and he was satisfied with the reaction he smirk internally

While here leed when hear his stupid didi want to smack his head his heart was beating fast but when he hear next about mana cousin he was like to kill some one he himself don't know why......

Time skip evening with YIBO

I swear to God if this old man  don't have any important work then I am going to kill him said YIBO while glaring at poor glass who was thank god a non living thing

Actually thing goes like zhan call him that he want to talk something and YIBO was first shock that this grumpy fuddy-duddy cold stupid bunny have his number but then again second most specious thing was what he want to talk that also after meeting not on the call well YIBO first was not coming to meet him because he was thinking that zhan is playing some kind of prank on him but when zhan says with pure attitude that he didn't play pranks on children that was hurted YIBO's ego to the level that without meeting zhan he will not satisfied and one more thing if this stupid bunny try to play prank on him then he is going to kill him that's it and without any mercy

YIBO was thinking while glaring at the glass when zhan enter inside the cafe where he saw YIBO sitting in the corner while glaring at the glass zhan first feard but then he remembers that he is the king of underworld how can he be feared from a little omega that's against his pride so he with confidence while arranging his suit went towards the omega and tap the table.....

YIBO who was unaware when hear someone  tap the table look upward more like glare at the person while zhan step back at his firece look

You are 4 min and 5 sec late would you like to explain said YIBO while looking at his watch and then glare at zhan

Excuse me? Asked zhan still not getting what the omega said

Excused! Now would you care to explain said YIBO acting cool

Zhan roll his eyes he can clearly said that this omega just want to put a fight but what he is going to tell this omega will clearly put a big fight so apart from that thing he is not ready to fight with him so he just sit down

Here YIBO widden his eyes and said excuse me?

Excused now will you sit said zhan while raising his eyebrows while YIBO just glare at him this alpha infront of him is using his own word on him

Copy no bunny mumbles YIBO and scoff  while zhan  clearly hear it and shook his head

Now would you like to tell me your emergency for which you were dying to talk to me  said YIBO giving an innocent smile but only zhan knows how innocent it is....

Ok then let's get married said zhan .......


✨That's for today ❤️💚

✨Thanks for 1k views I Know it's not more but for me  it's very much like i got the idea of this book by hearing a song but I am happy that I chould achieve 1k thank you so much to those who read my book love you all💕💕

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