Chapter - 18

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Avni submitted her project in the class and the teacher gave her a letter. It was an appointment from the school for her to intern with them starting next week. Avni was happy her application had been selected. Another three months and she would finish her course. What after that? She had decided she was going to teach at one of the schools away from Ludhiana. If she was to ever get over her memories she had to get away from the place where they had originated. But it was still a little further in the future so she can worry about it when the time came. Today her classes ended a little later in the day so she went to the library in the middle and got a couple of books issued. She liked reading so getting a few extra books would do her good. Right after her last class finished Avni got a text from Manya asking her to meet her at the entrance of the college. Wondering what she was up to Avni met her at the entrance with Riddhima.

"We are going for a movie," Manya announced, "and you are coming too," she said.

"I don't watch a lot of movies," Avni replied.

"Oh don't be a spoilsport we are all going," Manya said excited.

"All?" Avni asked confused. If there were people she didn't know coming she would rather go back home.

"Yup," Manya said, "you, me, Riddhima and Uday," she said happily.

"Please come with us Avni," Riddhima intervened, "I need company or else I will go mad between her and her brother," she said and rolled her eyes.

"You are mean," Manya said in mock upset mode.

"Yes, because that keeps me sane around you," Riddhima retorted.

"We are not that bad are we Avni?" Manya asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Avni shook her head negatively and smiled.

"Yeah, well, her opinion doesn't count," Riddhima said, "how long has she known you," she asked when Manya opened her mouth to protest she went on, "not even a week. I have known you for five long years," she replied to her own question, "so I know you guys better," she finished.

Manya huffed. Then gave a broad smile.

"Uday," she said and ran down the stairs towards her brother who was just parking his car. It was a jeep wrangler.

Avni smiled at the way Manya greeted Uday. She practically threw herself on her brother hugging him. Then she looked at Riddhima. The girl had quickly righted her hair a little and straightened her top. Avni watched her curiously. So she was not as immune to Uday as she pretended to be. When Riddhima thought she was being watched Avni looked away and smiled as Uday came towards them with Manya.

"Hi Riddhima," he said in his usual flirtatious way.

Riddhima just smiled and refused to answer. Avni found that odd. Uday didn't even blink. He kept his smile as he turned to greet her.

"Hi Avni," he said.

"Hi," Avni replied.

"Ready for the movie," he asked.

"Yes," Manya said enthusiastically.

"Wow, if I get that kind of response from you baby sister I should take you out for a movie every day," he said grinning.

"Don't you have to work?" Riddhima asked sarcastically.

"I do," Uday replied. His smile never wavered. "But I don't work after it gets dark so we can go for late night movies," he told her unfazed.

"That would be fun," Manya said.

Riddhima only huffed. Avni thought it was childish. After witnessing what she had a few minutes ago she was sure Riddhima probably liked Uday then why behave like this. As she saw Uday he seemed to take her snubs in stride. Either he was used to them or he liked her way too much.

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