Chapter - 53

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Manya was spitting mad. Why were men such fools? Not that women were any perfect. At least not in her circle. She will deal with Riddhima later for now she will kill her brother. She had warned him hadn't she but he didn't listen. Now Riddhima was hurt in her feelings, God knows what was going on with Avni and it was all her brother's fault.

"You are such a jerk," she yelled as she neared him. She had seen him standing with Karan and she hadn't thought of waiting. Restraint was something she had yet to learn. It didn't matter if Karan would find out what Uday had been up to. It would serve him right if Karan took a cane as well.

"Why are you so mad first thing in the morning?" Uday said as he dodged the second cone that Manya flung at him as she reached the little porch.

"You have some nerve to ask me that," she said angrily, "didn't I tell you your stupid plan would hurt someone. But Mr. Know it all refused to listen. Now look what you have done?" she said with her fists on her hips.

"What did I do?" Uday said a little confused.

"You..." Manya started again when Karan intervened.

"Enough," he said just loud enough for Manya to remember he stood there as well, "I think we need to talk about this plan of yours Uday," he said coldly, "sit down both of you," he said in a no nonsense tone. And they did. Karan took a place as they both sat on either of his side. "Did you know about what he planned to do?" Karan asked Manya.

"Yes," Manya said angrily, "when did you find out?" she asked her elder brother.

"It doesn't matter but if you want to know then last night," Karan told her, "why didn't you stop him?" he asked again.

"I did try, the fool refused to listen," Manya said agitatedly, "I told him he would end up hurting either Avni or Riddhima or even himself but he harped on the tune 'I am out of options'," she said and made a face.

"If you already knew why are you so angry?" Karan asked wondering if she already had an idea then she shouldn't be so mad.

"Because I called up Riddhima an hour ago to find out how the dinner went and she not just called him ten thousand names she even cried," Manya said angrily, "and I had told him to just ask her straight out and finish the whole thing once and for all but no," she said looking at Karan, "he just had to involve poor Avni too and make a mess of it all," she said and looked away in anger.

"Uday..." Karan started when Uday interrupted him.

"I am sorry bhai," he said upset, "I have already apologized and I will apologize to both Avni and Riddhima," he said quietly, "I knew it was a lame idea anyway and yet I went ahead with it. Causing both of them pain," he said and hung his head.

"Avni is in pain too?" Manya said swiveling her head back to them, "What happened?" she asked concerned.

"The stress was too much for her it triggered a migraine last night," Karan replied, "she is still resting. Since nobody was home she slept here," he said quietly.

"Why you rotten son of a..." Manya started getting all worked up again.

"Stop it," Karan said and Manya did.

She knew her brother's tone and what it meant. No matter what happened when he was around he will not tolerate insolence of any kind. Uday was older to her though he was more her friend than brother but the relationship was very much that first. And Karan had zero tolerance for disrespect. Even in anger he never forgot who he was talking to.

"What is done is done for now," Karan said keeping his tone neutral, "there is no point in talking about it. What you did Uday," he said speaking to his brother who had now gone silent, "was a very consciously taken decision. And you cannot be absolved of it. No matter how many times you apologize. You not only hurt Riddhima, you also risked Avni's reputation. Trust me, I am not going lenient on her. But she is an outsider and given her disposition in nature she wouldn't have said 'no' to you whether you gave her a solid argument or not. What happened to her is just partly your fault but she brought it on to herself," he said wisely, "look, you have only one option and one option alone. Clear this up with Riddhima before it takes an ugly turn. That girl is going out of her mind with jealousy over something that doesn't even exist," he said clearly, "and I will suggest the same to Avni too. And I am sure she will agree. So it would be better you speak to her before Avni talks. You still might stand a chance if you come out clean," he advised.

"But bhai what if she says no," Uday asked.

"When did you become so weak Uday," Karan said suddenly irritated with his brother's attitude, "it is her decision. You cannot force her hand," he said firmly. "Whatever she decides you will have to accept yes or no or something in between. Grow up a little," he said, "even teenagers take rejection in a better manner," he said sarcastically.

"I guess you are right," Uday said tiredly. He was done thinking and walking in circles. He was behaving worse than a teenager.

"I know I am right," Karan said firmly, "and as for you," he said turning his head towards Manya, "start showing some respect towards your older brother," he said and Manya nodded her head in agreement, "and next time he decides to do something foolhardy you either go to mom and dad or come to me, get it," he said.

"Yes," Manya replied.

"By the way it was a nice shot, the pine cone" he said and as Manya looked up at him he smiled. She did too. And then she hugged him.

"It was, wasn't it," she said proudly, "I learnt from the best," she beamed.

"So you did," Karan said playfully as he ruffled her hair. Then turned towards Uday, "I have never been in love Uday," he said seriously and Uday looked at his brother, "so to understand what you are facing is difficult for me. But I know one thing if I ever did fall in love I will never force my will on her. She will have the freedom to choose what she wants to do accept or reject and I will honor her wishes, even if it kills me," he said looking straight into his brother's eyes.

And Uday knew Karan would stand by every word he just said. His brother was very strong when it came to that. Unlike him. And Uday respected and loved his older sibling for that. He had an uncanny ability to understand relationships and he had the will and the strength to do what he thought was right. He took his brother's words to heart. He knew Karan loved him too and only wanted what was best for him. He knew he will apologize to Riddhima and clear the matter once and for all. He rose and hugged his brother.

"Thanks bhai," he said sincerely, "I love you," he said.

"I love you too Uday," Karan said as he hugged both his siblings.

The three of them were unaware of the silent figure who stood just a little inside the door as she heard and watched them. Tears flowed down her cheeks. If she had ever thought she would be able to keep her emotions contained around Karan then she was wrong. The problem was with a past like hers she was so unworthy of him.

Destiny had led her to him. But she wasn't sure what the purpose was apart from the fact that maybe destiny was playing another cruel joke on her. Or was she?


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