Chapter - 72

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Karan stood quietly with the cup of coffee in his hands as he debated how to talk about what he had learnt about Avni to Uday and Manya. He needed something stronger maybe get himself drunk to come to terms with the pain and ache that had settled deep within his chest. For the girl who had lost so much and all she had wanted was a simple happy life. How could someone as fragile as her been holding so much guilt and agony inside? Looks were deceiving. Nothing was ever what it seemed. But coffee was what he could have with Manya around. Getting drunk in front of her or give in to the inner turmoil and anger that threatened to take over would set a bad example. He wanted to laugh at the hilarity of his thoughts but the joke was on him. Both Uday and Manya sat there with their cups waiting for him to say something.

"Did you tell her or not?" Manya asked finally frustrated at the silence in the room since she had got here.

She was tired of waiting. She had been so excited all day long. Anticipation at the thought of her brother proposing and what response he would receive had been killing her. But then she had received a call from Karan who had asked her to come meet him at his place. And she had rushed. She had been disappointed at finding her brother alone when he had told her he needed to speak to her and Uday before he finalized anything. What was that supposed to mean she had no clue but she had accepted her brother's words without any argument. Now Uday was here too so what was the delay.

"I did," Karan responded seriously.

"So what did she say?" Uday asked.

He had been watching his brother carefully since the time he had come and he knew something was bothering Karan. Had Avni refused? But Karan didn't have a defeated look to him he looked more brooding. A very painful brooding if the pinched look was anything to go by. As if there was an inner battle he was fighting. Or debating. What was it?

"She said yes," Karan said flatly.

Manya squealed with delight. And Uday narrowed his gaze.

"But..." Uday said and left it at that.

Karan looked at his younger brother. So he had guessed things weren't all that smooth. Karan gave him a half smile. And people thought Uday was too carefree to sense anything. He felt Manya's eyes shift and then focus on his face. He wasn't sure what his younger sister read but she was suddenly as serious as Uday. He loved his brother and sister. They were such great sources of support he didn't need anybody else.

Manya had been so happy when she had heard Karan say yes that she had let her excitement show but Uday's unsaid question left her thinking. She looked at Karan closely. His eyes looked tired as if he hadn't slept in days. The creases on his forehead said something was weighing on his mind. And the half sardonic smile he had given Uday voiced how much he needed them and appreciated them being here. What was wrong? He had just confirmed that Avni had reciprocated his feelings then why was he so solemn. Why wasn't he happy?

"What is it bhai?" she asked him just as seriously.

"There is a problem," Karan said finally, "actually a minor glitch if you ask me but I am not sure mom and dad will see it my way," he said quietly, "I want to know what the two of you think first," he said.

"Well, what is so bad that you think mom and dad wouldn't accept you and Avni together?" Uday asked seriously.

Karan sighed. He wasn't sure if he should tell them everything Avni told him or just a part of it. He had been debating it since the time he had returned with Avni only he had asked her to go straight to her room and keep herself busy to get her mind off things and not worry. But he knew it was easier said than done. One look at her face had told him she wasn't going to do anything he had asked her to instead she just might worry herself sick. She was a champion at that. Karan also knew if he had his support system working it just might help him get his parents' approval. In any case they would find out sooner or later. He took in a deep breath as he made the decision. Details weren't required just the basic facts would do. Over a period of time Avni could tell them if she wanted to or not.

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