Chapter - 51

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What the hell was wrong with her? He couldn't believe what had happened tonight or even what had been happening for the past few days. It was clear Uday was trying to portray he was friendly with Avni when he was not. Why was he doing that? And to top it all Riddhima was being her meanest self. What was wrong with her? She hated Uday. That was what was understood by one and all who knew the equation between her and Uday. And Uday had always been enamored by her. He might flirt around with others but it ended there with no hearts broken or even bruised. So where did Avni fit in. She probably didn't. And he hoped she hadn't gotten herself roped into something she couldn't say no to. He glanced at her. She looked pale. Her eyes were closed and there was a slight frown between her delicately arched brows. Was it because she was concentrating on a thought or was it because of pain? Could be both or none. He took in a deep breath. Getting angry on her without the facts in place was not going to be good for either of them. He will just have to coax things out of her. She did respond well to moderate volume levels and rational talks.

He took the road that led him to his house and parked the car. They sat there for an extra five seconds before Avni opened her eyes and squinted at the darkness around her.

"Are you alright?" Karan asked quietly.

"Yes," Avni said but her voice sounded pained to him.

"You don't look alright to me," he said and laid a hand against her forehead to check if she wasn't running a fever. It felt warm but no fever.

"I just have a headache," Avni said wincing at the pain that shot through her temples towards her head.

"That bad," Karan said concerned now. "You should go back to your room Avni. Take rest we can always sort this out tomorrow," he told her.

"No," she almost squawked, "sorry, I mean let us just talk over this. I am tired of playing around anyway," she said, "please. It will help. If I don't have to think any more of what has been happening or what is going to happen I will be in a much better shape," she said softly.

"Okay," Karan replied with a frown.

He didn't like her color. It seemed she was coming down with something. But he didn't want to argue with her and make her condition worse. She had a headache she said maybe a cup of nice strong coffee would help. It was a misnomer but a lot of people did talk in contradiction to it. He got off his car and went around it to help Avni. She got down and clutched his arm to steady herself. Karan had to stop himself from asking her to rest again. She knew better than anybody what was going on with her. At least for now. He will just have to trust her that she would be fine. He helped her inside then made sure the dogs behaved. In the past couple of weeks she had become friends with them. He was glad but right now she was in no shape to keep up with their brand of enthusiastic welcome.

He made her sit on one of the barstools at his island in the kitchen. Then making sure she wouldn't fall off went to the other side to put the kettle on. He brought the coffee bag, he had yet to buy a canister for it, and poured it into the water then closed the lid. As the coffee kettle steamed he turned around. She had put her head in her hands and supported the weight with keeping her elbows on the counter top.

"Avni," he said slowly.

And Avni looked up. Her eyes were red now. And he could see pain around her eyes. What was wrong? And why couldn't she just rest and talk later?

"I am sorry," Avni said. He could barely hear her or even recognize her voice. It was as if she was drunk. But he couldn't ignore the underlying pain. It was an effort for her to even speak.

"You aren't going to faint again are you?" he asked ignoring her apology. It seemed it had become his favorite line these days but she looked so bad he wouldn't out it past her.

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