Chapter - 73

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"You want to do what?" Tej thundered as he stared at Karan.

"Tej please," Nilakshi said equally upset, "you don't have to scream and let the entire Manali know," she said trying to calm her husband down. She knew for sure the more enraged Tej became the more stubborn Karan would become.

"Don't you Tej me," Tej yelled, "what more could be expected of him?" he said angrily, "he has always defied me he will do it again just to spite me," he said shaking with anger, "do you even know what you are talking about?" he asked Karan who stood there with his hands behind his back and a calm expression on his face.

"Yes Sir," Karan replied confidently as he looked his father straight in the eye, "I know how I feel and I want to get married to Avni," he said levelly.

Tej didn't know what to make of his son anymore. He hadn't known what was so important that Karan had wanted to speak to them about and so he had asked Nilakshi to get him to come after dinner. Now he wished he should have asked what he wanted to see them for first. His cool and calm announcement that he was in love with Avni and wanted to get married to her had made him see red.

"Your boy just lost it Nilakshi," Tej said angrily to Nilakshi, "talk some sense into him. Why is he hell bent on destroying our family name," he said shaking his head.

"Karan," Nilakshi said slowly, "do you know who Avni is?" she asked.

She herself had been taken aback by Karan's announcement. She didn't have anything against the girl. Avni was a sweet person but...Nilakshi wasn't sure if Karan was aware of her circumstances. And how could she see her son marry a girl who had been married once already? Though she knew both her husband and son. Their tempers and stubbornness. The more Tej would try and stop Karan the more Karan would dig in his heels. But how come she hadn't noticed the closeness between Karan and Avni. How come she didn't know what was brewing right under her nose?

"I wonder if you know who she is," Karan replied with a sarcastic smile.

He rarely showed his rude side to his mother. She had been his anchor all those years ago. He had hoped she would side with him but it seemed he had hoped in vain. She had reacted just as Karan had expected. It was alright to preach others, to tell them to be progressive but when it came to their sons and daughters things always were different. He had learnt that the hard way. Karan smiled sarcastically at the expressions his parents held. Where his father looked indignant beyond measure angry even his mother looked disappointed. In him. At him. But it didn't matter. He had known he would face challenge in their form. He looked at Uday who stood calmly by the window watching the drama unfold. Though he had been surprised at Nilakshi's reaction too.

"What do you mean?" Nilakshi said sternly. "And watch your tone Karan. I don't like it," she said.

"Mom," Uday intervened, "I don't know what the fuss is all about," he said lazily just as he always did, "all bhai wants is your permission so he can marry the girl he loves. He wants to marry Avni and wants you guys to talk to Shalini aunty," he explained, "why is it so difficult?" he asked.

"Because you don't know the truth," Nilakshi said unhappily.

"And what is the truth that has you so upset?" Uday asked again.

"She...she is not someone I can have my son marry," Nilakshi said twisting her hands unconsciously, "Karan deserves better. He deserves more. A life partner is not a joke Uday," Nilakshi said gaining command as she came up with her reasons, "she has to be someone who has a good family background, education, personality and someone who can be provide happiness to Karan," she said firmly.

"Is that the order you have decided mom," Karan said sarcastically. To hell with his tone and manners. "So who gets to decide what is good for me and what isn't? I am thirty one years old, well settled in life and most of my decisions are taken by me, actually all of them. As far as I remember I have more often than not, just informed you all of what I am doing and sometimes tell you after I have done it. In this case I am informing you of my decision and asking you to take it to the next level," he said just as firmly, "as far as I am concerned she is from a good family background, she has the education she needs, her personality is pleasing and she makes me happy," he said ticking all the traits Nilakshi had listed. He could list plenty more.

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