001: cute guy

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Even before I entered the house in front of me, loud music greeted my ears. Inside the house I was immediately hit with the strong smell of alcohol mixed with the scent of various perfumes that gave out a terrible odour. I could feel the vibrations of the loud music blasting out from the speakers in my bones. People my age were in small clusters, drinking, smoking, playing some sort of games, making out in the corners and on couches like their life depended on it. Some were tipsy and dancing wildly. I don't even know the names of more than half of these people that attend the same highschool as me.

It's a Friday night and I could be in my home right now, eating snacks and watching Netflix. But no, I just had to be in this pool of sweaty people who, I might add, are pushing me every which way as they move past me, all because I have to find Sarah and drag her back to her home! God I don't like parties.... or people. But I like Sarah and she's my best friend so I have to look for her now.

I pushed my way through the crowd of intoxicated people. After a while of searching, I stood on my tiptoes hoping to catch a glimpse of Sarah's blonde hair. I tried calling her phone but she didn't pick up. I mean obviously she couldn't have heard it ringing over the loud music. But still, doesn't hurt trying.

I was about to move into the living room when someone grabbed me by my arm. I was pulled into someone's chest and I looked up to find a cute guy with curly brown hair looking down at me.

Um, do I know him?

"Hey, Amy. I'm glad you showed up," he said, grinning at me. Okay, maybe I've seen him in my class before. I gently pushed myself away from him creating some distance between us, glad that he let go of my arm. "Um, yeah... have you seen Sarah?"

"Why are you looking at me like that? Like you don't know me?" he said, giving me a confused look. Then he laughed and continued, "Are you drunk already?"

"Why would you say that?" I asked, chuckling nervously. "But seriously though, have you seen her?"

"Sarah? Yeah, I guess I saw her with Alex."

"Oh, thanks," I said, already walking away from him. Did he seriously say Alex? As in Sarah's ex Alex? The same guy she broke up with 2 weeks ago? The one that she said she hated with all her guts because he cheated on her? Okay this can't be good.

I pushed my way through these people while craning my neck every now and then in order to find Sarah. This house is pretty huge but it's still packed full of people. I had to walk up to random rooms that I found, throwing open the doors and witnessing scenes that I wish I didn't have to come across. Shuddering to myself, I walked towards a door that appeared to be a bathroom.

Okay, Sarah has to be in here since I didn't find her anywhere else. I mentally prepared myself for any kind of scene that I may encounter. Bracing myself, I pushed open its door and saw what I would have least expected. Sarah was passionately making out with none other than Alex. The guy that she said she'd never want to see the face of again.

They obviously hadn't noticed my presence yet and I made myself known by calling out to my best friend loudly. She turned to look at me and a smile immediately spread across her face upon seeing me. Alex, on the other hand, looked very much irritated at the intrusion. The nerve of this guy.

"Oh, my God! Amy," she dragged my name out and stumbled towards me. I caught her immediately. "Wow, you're here. I'm so happy that you finally came to a party." She pulled on my arm trying to get me inside the bathroom. "I want you to meet someone. Amy, this is Alex," she said smiling brightly.

"Sarah, I already know him." Alex was uncomfortably shifting on his feet, avoiding eye contact with me. Clearly he was not as drunk as Sarah. "Oh right! Of course you know him. He's my boyfriend," she said giggling to herself.

"Alright I think it's time we get you home," I said pulling her along with me. "No. I wanna stay some more." She whined and tried to get away from me. This can't be happening right now. Ugh, why me?

"No, Sarah. We have to leave now. Your dad texted me to get you home about an hour ago." I had to support her body as I walked us both towards the front door. This was proving to be more difficult than I thought it would with Sarah wasted and completely leaning on me.

I ignored her whines and protests and made our way towards my car. This wasn't anything new to me. She always got drunk at some party and I had to drag her back to her house after I found her. Sometimes I really wonder why I'm friends with her. We are polar opposites. But then again, I don't really have anyone else I could call a friend.

I managed to make her sit on the passenger's side seat and put her seatbelt on. Closing the door, I quickly sent a text to her dad letting him know that I had found her and that she's safe. I walked towards the driver's side. Getting inside I found her already looking at me with tired eyes.

"You want some water?" I asked.

"No, I'm good."

"We need to talk about Alex tomorrow first thing in the morning." I said, igniting the engine.

"Mhm yeah. He's so cute. I really like him, Amy," Sarah murmured sleepily. "Can we not go to my place? I wanna spend the night at yours."

Averting my eyes from the road ahead of me for a quick second, I found Sarah already asleep and snoring lightly. Sighing to myself, I thought about ways to start conversion about this Alex guy tomorrow. I don't trust that guy anymore. They dated for 7 months and Sarah was pretty serious about him. But then he just had to ruin everything between them and cheated on her.

I hope they aren't back together... I don't want to see my best friend's heart broken once again.

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