015: wild night

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[warning: some violence, mention of blood]

My head hurts and my mind feels like a mess. I am now regretting coming to the party more than ever. First, I get ditched by my best friend. Only God knows where she ran off to with her boyfriend. And now... this. I don't understand why Noah would do that. Did I ever unintentionally give him mixed signals or lead him on?

I feel so frustrated with myself that I want to rip my hair out. Not to mention the fact that I can feel a headache creeping into my skull.

I navigate my way through the crowd of people, trying to get outside or at least to the backyard, if there is one. At the end of a long hallway, I come across a set of sliding glass doors that looks out to the back garden. Breathing a sigh of relief, I quietly walk over to the doors and slide it open. Stepping out, I breathe in the fresh air and immediately feel myself at ease.

The garden is devoid of overwhelming smell of alcohol and colognes, and sweaty teenagers pushing against each other. The night sky is filled with bright stars which illuminate the various flowering plants and trees planted in the garden.

I mindlessly walk along the flower bushes, brushing my fingertips over the delicate petals, when I spot a bench. I contemplate whether to head back inside the house or stay in the garden. Considering my rising headache, I decide on the latter.

Sitting on the bench, I quietly watch the night sky. The gentle breeze causes me to shiver slightly. Looking at the bright stars makes me feel a sense of emptiness. It reminds me of my mother because that's what Dad always told me as a kid whenever I asked about her. That she lives among the stars. Sighing to myself, I tuck the strand of my hair behind my ear that got misplaced due to the wind.

'I miss Dad, too. When is he gonna be back from his trip? Adrien said it'll take a couple more weeks.'

'Shit, Adrien.'

I quickly pull out my phone to check the time. It was about to be eleven.

'Oh, God. I need to go back home.'

I stand up quickly from the bench and immediately feel dizzy and lightheaded. After I regain some stability, I rush back inside. Or at least try to, with my wobbly steps and the high heels.

Getting inside, I scan the crowd of people to look for Sarah, but she finds me first.

"Amy, there you are!" I turn to see Sarah rushing towards me. "I was looking for you. Where did you go?"

Is she kidding me right now? She has got to because it was me who was blindly searching for her after she completely abandoned me!

"I was in the kitchen and then when I came back, you were gone!" My voice starts to rise in pitch as I fail to hide my growing frustration. "Gone, Sarah. And I couldn't find you." I close my eyes briefly and exhale heavily through my nose to contain my anger. Why am I getting so worked up? It is not like me to have sudden outbursts. I open my eyes to look at her again when she puts a hand on my shoulder.

'What is wrong with me?' I sway slightly from side to side.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'm sorry, okay? And exactly how much did you drink?" Her voice indicates her concern for me but I'm too infuriated to even care. "You can't even stand on your feet properly."

"It's all your fault," I say. "You asked me to stay close to you but then you disappeared!" Okay, my words sound slurred even to me now and I don't think I'm sounding intimidating to her at all.

"I didn't disappear, I was— forget it." She takes me into the living room and towards the couch. "Stay here, okay? Don't move. I'm gonna go get Alex and then we'll leave."

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