007: shower

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[warning: slight nsfw content ahead]

It has been two days since Noah had confessed his feelings. And I haven't given him a response yet. It's a good thing he hasn't brought it up because I don't want to rush into something that could potentially be my first relationship. But in these past two days, I have grown closer to him. We have been texting back and forth frequently and I'm starting to warm up to him slowly.

It is currently 11.42 pm. I am almost finished reading this book that I recently bought. The plot has me on edge and I can't go to sleep without knowing what happens in the end.
Earlier this evening, I FaceTimed dad because I was missing him terribly. His deal had been successful but sadly he won't be back anytime soon. But I already knew this would happen. He is pretty good at what he does and because of that, Adrien and I get to live a comfortable life. Dad also asked me about Theo and if he was getting along with us. I just gave a basic answer that would satisfy him because honestly, I don't know myself how well Adrien and Theo get along. If at all, that is.

There are twenty something pages left for me to read before I get to the conclusion, but my reading gets interrupted by the blasting of metal music from Theo's room. 'Oh, for Christ's sake.' 

Can Adrien hear the loud noise? His room is on the floor above mine. But he must be able to hear with how loud Theo is blasting music in his room at the middle of the night. God, we'll soon get noise complaint from our neighbours at this rate.

I refrain from banging my head on the headboard and continue to read. Or at least try to. Somehow, by some miracle, I finish the book but I'm not at all at ease. The book ended with a cliffhanger and those are the worst. I try to make up a happy ending scenario in my mind to put myself at ease.

I put my book on the bedside table and turn off the light. I get under the covers to sleep, but I am unable to do so. I feel a headache slowly crawling in and I use a pillow to cover my ears. After an eternity of tossing and turning to try to fall asleep, what could really have been a few minutes, I get up from my bed. With determination filling my being, I march up to Theo's room.

I bang on his door loudly but I get no response. Scowling to myself, I try the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked. I push open the door hesitantly and peek a little inside. The room was completely dark from the inside and I pushed the door open further.

Theo was nowhere in the room. 'What the hell?' I enter into his room gingerly and search for the bluetooth speaker in the darkness. I didn't want to turn on the lights, not knowing what sight would greet me. Ever since Theo has arrived here, I haven't been to his room. Because I didn't have a reason to.

I finally found the speaker and turned it off, breathing a sigh of relief at the silence that engulfed the room. But my relief was short lived as a light suddenly flicked on that made me shriek in surprise. I quickly turned around and found Theo standing near the wall, with his finger still on the switch, looking at me incredulously.

'Shit.' He must be thinking I sneaked into his room. Which I did, to be honest. But I didn't think I'd get caught. This does not look good on my behalf, standing in the middle of his room this late at night and...

Oh. My. God.

I don't know how I didn't notice it sooner but the sight in front of me made my jaw drop and my eyes to widen. Theo is clad only in a towel. Emphasis on the word 'only'. He wasn't in his room because he was taking a shower. 'Damn it, Amy. How did you not think about that?'

Theo's dark hair is wet with a few hair sticking to his forehead. His skin is glistening under the dim light of the bedroom. I try not to gaze at the tiny water droplets running down his bare chest and down his impeccably defined abs, towards the towel that is sitting dangerously low on his hips and—

"Like what you see?"

'Shit.' I snap my eyes up to look at his face and see him wearing a smug expression. And why wouldn't he? I mean, with a body like that and his pretty face, of course he'd be a smug bastard. He has every right to be.

"Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night," Theo says in a teasing tone and he doesn't look the least bit angry. "And here I thought you were an innocent little girl," he says, taking a step towards me and I instinctively take a step backwards.

"It isn't what it looks like," I say weakly, to which he just hums in response.

"Isn't it?" He taunts. "Because to me it looks like you sneaked into my room. Unless, of course, you were sleep walking." He continues to draw nearer towards me and I keep doing the reverse. "But you seem wide awake to me," Theo remarks, with amusement filling his tone.

My back hits the wall and a tiny yelp leaves my mouth. Theo was now standing directly in front of me, caging me to the wall and I instinctively raise my hand to maintain distance between us, mindful of the fact that he is half naked in front of me. And God, I have to force myself to only look into his blue eyes and not let my gaze wander down his chest.

Theo smells good. The scent of his body wash drifts into my nose, smelling like citrus and pine. He smells fresh and manly. My face feels hot all of a sudden and I might just melt into the floor beneath me from the way he is looking at me. I involuntarily clench my thighs as Theo's hot breath falls on my face. Every hair on my body stands on end as the seconds tick by.

Theo doesn't seem angry. Not at all. Complete opposite of it, actually. He looks eerily calm and...amused, perhaps? Like he is almost enjoying the predicament I found myself in and the effect he knows he has on me.

I try to think of an answer, but all I'm able to do is open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. Theo isn't touching me in any way and yet I feel light headed. How he manages to make me feel this way every time he's near me? I don't know.

'I didn't sleepwalk. Your music was too loud and I came here to turn the volume down,' is what I wanted to say. Instead what came out of my mouth was, "You have a shitty taste in music."

"You should keep those dirty words out of your pretty little mouth." Theo narrows his eyes at me.

"Make me."

I immediately regretted my choice of words as soon as they left my mouth, because Theo's eyes turned darker upon hearing them. His lips parted ever so slightly and I couldn't help but look at his perfect pink lips that looked so damn kissable right now.

'Wait, what am I thinking?!'

I look up to meet Theo's eyes, only to find him staring at my lips and it causes my stomach to do a backflip. He raises his hand up to my face and slowly drags his thumb along my bottom lip. My heart is beating so damn fast that I can hear the pounding in my ears. But it's too late to back up now. So I continue to maintain my confident façade. He slides his hand lower and grips my jaw and leans in slowly.

'Oh, God. This is happening. He's going to kiss me now.' My whole body warms up in anticipation. I'm going to share my first kiss with Theo and oddly enough, I don't mind it at all. I close my eyes as he inches closer and impatiently wait for the moment our lips would finally meet.

Except that never happened.

I heard Theo lowly whisper into my ear, "You need to leave before I do something that I'd regret," his voice sounding raspier than before.

I furrow my brows and snap my eyes open at that. Theo removes his hand from my jaw. He steps aside, allowing space for me to walk out. I stare hard at him for longer than I should, but eventually leave his room in disbelief at what just happened. I'm feeling almost sad that the kiss didn't happen. But what he said in the end left me feeling excited in a way I would rather not think about at the moment.


A/N: from here on chapters will get more and more steamier. So, yeah. This is your warning, I guess. Heh. Anyways, don't forget to vote :)

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