004: number

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"Don't forget to turn in your essays on Wednesday," the English professor says while wrapping up today's class. He was met with a couple of groans and silent nods.

"Man's got no chill," Sarah complains from beside me. "Who hands assignment on the very first day of the week?" She says, looking at the professor with pure rage.

"Um, relax. I can help you with it if you want." I try to console her.

"You're too sweet, Amy. But I can't take help from you everytime," she says with a small smile.
That's what I like about Sarah. Even though she knows that she's my only friend, she never takes me for granted. In fact, she exclusively hangs out with me all the time even though she's extremely extroverted and could easily make other friends. And my introverted ass is very thankful for that.

"My offer still stands," I say as we leave the classroom and head towards the school's cafeteria for lunch.

"Thanks, I know," she says, shaking her head with a laugh. "I totally forgot to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Noah was asking me about you," Sarah says with a teasing tone.

"Who's Noah?" I stop walking to face her.

"Are you serious? He's our football team's captain."

"As if I've ever been to any of the matches before. You know I'm not into sports. And besides, how does he even know me?" I ask as she pulls me by my arm towards the direction of the cafeteria.

"Doesn't he like share a class with us? How come you never noticed him?" She muses, more to herself. "Anyways, we went to his party last Friday."

"You mean you went to the party while I had to go looking for you," I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's the same thing. Noah was the guy who hosted that party. And he told me he was very happy to see you there," Sarah says with a giggle and nudges me playfully. "So, I may or may not have given him your number," she says the last part very quickly but I catch it nonetheless.

"You what?! Sarah—" I begin disappointedly but she interrupts me quickly.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. But he's a really nice guy and I thought you guys would look great together. Trust me on this one," she says with a pleading look. "Just give him a chance."

I sigh with a defeat and she quickly pulls me into a side hug. She always tells me to "live a little" and that I should get at least one boyfriend experience before high school ends. It's not that I'm not interested in dating. It's just that I don't find any guy interesting enough. And it's the fault of all these perfect book boyfriends. They are responsible for creating these unrealistic standards in my mind.


After returning home from school I fell face first onto my bed. Today has been tiring. Monday feels especially exhausting when you are sleep deprived. Not to mention the fact that I had to skip breakfast today in my hurry. But that's nothing new.

After a while of just laying on my bed, I will myself to get up for a shower. The house is quite today, not that I'm complaining. It actually feels nice. This means that Theo isn't home right now and Adrien isn't back from his classes either.

After a long, refreshing shower, I wrap a towel around myself. I walk up to the mirror next to do my skin care routine. After that was done, I exit the bathroom, still clad in my towel since I forgot to bring fresh clothes with me. I go to my closet and pick up comfy PJs for the night. 

Once I settle into my bed again after getting changed, I grab my phone to check for any missed notifications. I come across a text message from an unknown number and click on it.

Unknown: hey, this is Noah. we met at the party, remember?
Unknown: oh, and i got your number from Sarah
Unknown: promise i'm not a creep :)

I feel a smile forming on my lips after reading his text. He really is kinda cute. I think of what to reply to him before quickly saving his number.

Me: you sure you're not a creep?
Me: cause that's exactly what a creep would say

The floating bubbles appear on the screen indicating that he is typing back a reply. But then they disappear for a second and reappear. I can't help but giggle at his behaviour. Then finally he responds back.

Noah: i walked right into that, didn't i?

Me: yess :)

Noah: aw man :(

We texted back and forth for a while. It was mostly him carrying the conversation and making small jokes here and there. I tried to reciprocate as best as I could. Not that I didn't enjoy his company or appreciate his efforts. It's simply because I'm not really a text person. And that's to blame the fact that I don't text anyone that much other than Sarah. 'God, I'm pathetic, aren't I?'

But thankfully, he said he understands and that he'd like it if we caught up in person. I agreed to that immediately, of course. After we shared our 'goodnights' I got started on my assignment.

A few hours had passed and I was really concentrated on my work when Theo barged into my room, without knocking, and announced, "Dinner's ready, Princess." He even had the audacity to send me a cheeky smile.

"Do you not know you need to knock before entering?" I say lowly, trying to control my growing anger. "I could've been naked in here."

He leans against the door frame and smirks. "But you aren't though."

"I said I could have."

"Yes, but unfortunately you are not," he says with a faux pout that enrages me further. "Now, come downstairs. I've prepared dinner for us."

"What do you mean you've prepared? You can cook?" I ask incredulously.

"I can do a lot of things," he says suggestively and shoots me a wink.

I ignore the way his comment made my stomach do a flip. "I'd rather not get food poisoning, thanks," I say with a tight lipped smile.

"Hey, don't judge my cooking before you've actually tasted my food."

He walks further into my room and grabs a hold of my hand. I try to stay still but his strong grip pulls me out of the bed from my sitting position. This causes me to stumble into his chest and his other hand holds me by my waist.

Our proximity makes me blush furiously and his scent fills my nose when I inhale sharply. I grip the hand holding my waist to try to remove it but it wouldn't budge. I look up at him and his deep blue eyes make my heart skip a beat.

How can someone be so pretty? This man doesn't have a single flaw on his face. Theo has pretty ocean blue eyes. He has dark and thick eyelashes which makes me jealous of him. Meanwhile I have basic brown eyes and don't even get me started on my eyelashes.

He still hasn't let go of me and is looking intensely into my eyes. He can probably hear my heart beating so fast. I clear my throat awkwardly to diffuse the tension and it breaks him from his trance. He lets go of my waist immediately and takes a step back.

'I wonder what he was thinking just now...'

"The food is probably getting cold." He says, clearing his throat. With that, he left my room and went downstairs.

I frown to myself upon this weird interaction that just occurred and eventually headed downstairs for dinner.


A/N: if you read it this far, then drop a vote by clicking the ☆ below. It would mean a lot to me :)

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