014: brownies

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The pair of hands wrapped around me pulls me back and helps me to stabilize myself on the floor. Turning around, my eyes meet with light green eyes of a dirty blonde haired boy. With our close proximity and maybe because of whatever I just drank not long ago, I feel heat spreading throughout my body. 'Is it just me or is it suddenly hot in here?' I look down to where his hands are still lingering on my waist and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You look cute when you do that." The boy lets out a soft chuckle.

But before I could say anything in return, I feel someone grabbing onto my shoulders and moving me away from the boy in front of me. This causes the boy to let go of my waist.

"Your friend Sarah is looking for you, Amy." Noah says, letting go of my shoulders and stepping beside me. Relief washes over me at having Noah by my side and I try not to sway as my legs feel weird. He flashes me a quick smile. "Damon, could you refill the snacks for me?" He says, turning his attention to the blonde haired boy in front of us.

"What? But I already checked it a while ago. How could it need refilling already?" The boy, who I now know to be Damon, replies quizzically.

"Well, now it's almost empty. So you better hurry," Noah says, plastering a smile on his face, but there is an edge of warning in his voice.

"Yeah, right." Damon scoffs. "I'll see you around, Angel." He shoots me a wink and directs a not-so-subtle glare at Noah before leaving.

"Are you okay?" Noah asks to me once Damon had left us, looking concerned.

"Me? Yeah, totally." I giggle to myself. "But what's his problem?" I ask, looking back at where Damon had disappeared into the kitchen.

"Don't worry about him," Noah says, "and stay away from him."

I nod at him. It's not like I was planning on going near him anyways. "Didn't you say Sarah was looking for me? I better go find her, then."

"Well, actually–"

I think he had something more to say but I had already left to look for Sarah where I last saw her.

When I reenter the room, Sarah wasn't there anymore. 'Huh?? Where did she go? And where's Alex? Oh, God. I feel a headache coming...' I don't have the energy to go looking for her and I don't think my feet can carry me through the stairs.

Sighing dejectedly to myself, I make my way towards the couch and sit on the farthest corner. I know people around me are talking loudly over the music but their voices seems to be coming to my ears from far away. My eyesight is turning blurry every now and then and my head feels like it's spinning. I am seriously regretting having those drinks. 


"I hope I'm not causing you much trouble," I say to Noah. I am currently leaning against the kitchen counter besides Noah while he prepares a vanilla icecream milkshake for me.

Noah found me earlier on the couch without the company of my best friend and immediately stuck by me. He was trying to make small conversations with me but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. When he noticed the state I was in, he suggested to get me something to sober me up. The milkshake was my idea.

"Of course not." He gives me a light smile. "This should make you feel better."

"You smile a lot, you know?" I say and pop a cherry into my mouth. "But it's okay. Not like it's a bad thing to smile a lot. You have a nice smile. Not that it would have been a bad thing if you didn't have a nice smile. Do people even have bad smiles?" I think out loud without realising that I'm rambling at this point.

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