017: double date

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I groan as I start to wake up. The sunlight entering into the room causing me to wince as I feel a pounding in my head. I pull the cover over my head to shield my eyes from the blinding light and roll over on my bed to try and get comfortable once again. After a while of tossing and turning, I give up on the hope of going back to sleep.

Still, it takes me a long time to gather my strength and energy to finally get up. I manage to sit up on the bed and my hands immediately shoot up to press against my forehead. 'Shit. Why does it hurt so much?'

I am not looking forward to the day ahead of me anymore. Not when my day starts with an excruciating headache. And what time is it? It doesn't feel like it's early in the morning.

I rest my back against the headboard and remove the cover from my body. I'm still in my dress from last night. Now that I've noticed it, I'm itching to take it off immediately. How did I even fall asleep in this? It must have felt so uncomfortable. And it is one of my expensive dresses.

Another wave of pain washes over me. God, it feels like someone is hammering my skull from the inside. I don't think I've had a headache this bad before. 'What happened at the party last night? Did I drink something?'

Yeah, I think I had a couple of drinks after... After what? I pinch my brows in concentration as I try to answer myself. Shit, why can't I remember what happened last night? It feels like it's hurting my head even more as I try to recall the events from last night's party. I rub my temple to help alleviate the pain but it's not proving to be of any help.

Oh, no, God. It hurts too much. Am I going to die? Is this what it feels like? Why don't I remember getting back home? Did Alex drop me off?

My eyes well with tears as I think I am definitely going to die soon from this pain. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and reach for the water on the bedside table, when my eyes land on a single strip of tablets. Frowning to myself, I pick it up and upon reading the name I realise it's aspirin.

Did I leave them here? But why can't I remember having them on the table? I can't remember a lot of things, it seems. Shrugging to myself, I take two pills and swallow it down with water. I hope it starts kicking in soon.

Is Sarah okay? Everytime I make sure she gets home safe after she gets wasted at some random party. Maybe this time around she did the same for me. I must have gotten pretty drunk if I can't remember much about the party last night. Why did I even drink so much? It didn't even taste good.

All of my thoughts swirling around the events of last night and trying to recall what I did last night comes to a halt when a single question comes to the forefront of my brain.

'Did I reach home before Adrien?'

Shit. What if he got home before I did? Why did I even lie in the first place? What must he be thinking about me? I have never lied to him before.

The realisation that Adrien might have found out about me having lied to him makes me feel extremely guilty. I never intended for him to find out. My plan was to return home before he did, but look how that turned out. I swear I have the worst luck.

Or maybe Sarah dropped me home early and Adrien doesn't even know that I went out last night. Yep, that is totally possible. Why am I stressing over such a trivial thing?


It was already noon when I got downstairs. I didn't have an appetite so I just ate a toast. I thought about going to my brother's room and see what he's up to, and if he has anything to say to me. But then I suddenly didn't feel confident enough to visit him and decided that I'll just visit him when I find some courage. Until then, I decided to watch a movie.

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