003: ocean blue

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I wake up from my slumber and check the time. It is 6.15 in the evening. 'Huh. I slept for four hours straight.' The drawn blinds in my room make it appear even darker. I feel my stomach grumbling and realise I didn't eat much for lunch. Dragging myself out of my bed, I turn off the TV that was still playing my favourite show, FRIENDS.

I walk down the stairs lazily, not really in the mood to cook myself anything. And besides, I can't cook anyways except for the instant food I sometimes buy. Adrien can cook pretty decently and my Dad is a great cook. So, naturally, I never had to learn to cook.

Walking into the kitchen, I grab an apple from the fruit basket and walk towards the fridge. I can hear my brother talking to someone upstairs and another voice. He must be on FaceTime. Shrugging to myself, I open the fridge and rummage through its contents to find anything better than an apple.

After a while of looking and not finding anything tempting, I shut the fridge and turn around to go back to my room. Just as I exit through the kitchen door, I walk straight into a solid chest. Letting out a small "Ow" I look up, expecting to see my brother and ready to scold him for standing in my way, only for the words to die in my throat as I lock eyes with beautiful blue ones.

Alarm bells start ringing in my head as I see a complete stranger in our house. He has dark hair and ocean blue eyes and a ridiculously handsome face. He's also taller than me by several inches. I realise that I've been staring at him when he smirks knowingly at me and my face starts to heat up.

"I didn't know Adrien had a sister." He says with an amused smile as he takes in my appearance from head to toe. I suddenly feel very exposed to him in my shorts and tank top.

"And who are you?" I ask, albeit a bit rudely, to hide my growing nervousness.

"Why the sour mood, Princess?" He says with a teasing smile that reveals a dimple on his left cheek.

"Don't call me that," I hiss and narrow my eyes at him. 'Did Adrien invite him? I've never seen him before. Then again, I barely know any of his friends...' Recovering from my thoughts, I question him again. "What are you doing here?"

"You should ask your brother about that," he says shrugging and then lowers his head a bit so he is eye level with me and whispers, "Princess."

With that, he shoots me a wink and leaves me dumbfounded at the kitchen door. 'What just happened...'


"Did you invite a friend over?" I begin, just as I storm into Adrien's room.

"You mean Theo? Nah, he's Dad's friend's son or whatever," he says, looking up from his laptop. "He'll be staying with us for a few weeks."

"What?!" I shriek. "But why?" He can't be serious right now.

"He's new here and Dad asked me to let him stay with us until he gets back from his trip." Adrien says looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoff while folding my arms over my chest.

"Daddy's order, kiddo. Can't help it." He simply shrugs. "So yeah, we have to treat him well."

'Right,' I think to myself recalling the way he called me 'Princess' despite my distaste. "What was his name again?"

"Theo Carter." Adrien went back to what he was doing on his laptop and I left his room disappointed.

'Great. Just great. Now I have to see that guy anytime I leave my room. I don't like him already.'

As I walk down the hall to go to my room, I see him entering our spare bedroom, the one right next to mine.

'How many weeks is a few weeks?' I groan to myself. 'Woah, I sounded real bitchy right there. Maybe he's not that bad and it's just me overreacting to his presence. Yeah, maybe he's nice after all.'

Just then I hear loud music blasting from the room he's staying in which makes me wince.

'Or maybe not.'

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 [𝟏𝟖+]Where stories live. Discover now