008: moral support

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"Did you hear about the drama competition?" Sarah asks me, leaning against the school's locker.

After grabbing the book I need for my next class, I close my locker and turn to face her. "Um...no?"

She playfully rolls her eyes at me and straightens up. "Well now you did."

"Okay, you've got a point." I laugh. Sarah links our arms together and we start walking towards our next class.

"How come you didn't hear about it before? It's all everyone is talking about these days."

"And you are telling me about it because..." I trail off, entering the classroom. I walk towards an empty seat at the back of the room, with Sarah trailing behind me.

"Because we have to take part in it. Duh." She says as we sit down.

"Wait, what? Sarah what do you–" I raise my voice in shock, causing some people to turn their heads and look at us. I lower my voice then and say in a hushed tone, "Sarah, what do you mean by 'we'?"

"Me and you, of course. Oh, and Alex, too." She says with a bright smile.

"You're joking, right? Because there's no way I'm going to take part in a drama, let alone perform in front of others. Did you forget how socially awkward I am?" I protest.

"Yeah, and it's the perfect opportunity for you to overcome your shyness."

"Shyness– what?" I groan in frustration. "Sarah, you don't understand, I–"

"Amy, listen to me. I'm not going to force you into anything that you're not comfortable with, but you should know that this will benefit you. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll end up embarrassing myself in front of a hundred people while on stage."

"You're thinking too much into it. That's what you always do." Sarah started reprimanding me. "Life is too short, Amy. We are already in our last year of highschool. Don't you want to try new things and enjoy your life before we get into college?"

"I can also enjoy my life while I'm in college." I say, throwing her a pointed look.

"Like you're clearly doing it right now?" Sarah says with another roll of her eyes. "You didn't even date a single guy till now. How are things with Noah, by the way?"

"Dating is not one of my priorities right now." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "And Noah and I are fine. We've been texting back and forth and now we're good friends...I think."

"Friends?" Sarah scoffs in disbelief. "A guy shows interest in you and you immediately friend zone him?"

I am quick to defend myself, "I didn't friend zone him. We're just talking right now and getting to know each other." Okay, this isn't a complete lie. "How are things between you and..." I trail off, knowing I don't have to finish my sentence.

"Are you still wary of him?" Sarah folds her arms on the table and looks at me with a pained expression. "Amy, he has changed. He really has. I've given him another chance and you should, too."

"It doesn't matter what I think of him, as long as you are happy," I say to her with a sigh. 'Why hasn't the professor arrived yet? I don't want to have the same conversation again.'

"Alex makes me happy. Like, really happy. And it would hurt me a lot if my best friend and boyfriend don't get along," Sarah says earnestly.

Thankfully the teacher entered into the classroom right then and I didn't have to reply to her. But upon second thought, what Sarah said was true. I wouldn't like it either if people I'm close with, weren't on good terms with each other. Maybe I should look past what Alex did in the past. After all, what matters is how he treats his girlfriend now.

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