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Ryan explained to Rowena:

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Ryan explained to Rowena:

"I left the door open so that my father could hear us. When he arrived, we were in full orgasm. He was outraged, as you could anticipate. He insulted us, but I responded, Dad, as you can see, I'm a true man." Ryan gave out a sorrowful laugh.

Rowena, with tears in her eyes, whispered to him:

"What happened after?"

Ryan continued to say:

"I realize everything sounds pathetic now. But at the time, it was the best revenge I could manage against my father. He immediately fired Liv, but he started staring at me with different eyes. He never came back to insult me, and the few times he did, he did so respectfully. I detested him and knew he despised me. When I was 18, I left the house and never returned to Dagon Mansion. Two years later, he died in an airplane tragedy. Everything was passed down to me."

Rowena stated:

"Let's change the topic. What are your thoughts on Mia and Theolinda? How do you feel about these two women?" 

Ryan smiled and began speaking:

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Ryan smiled and began speaking:

"Mia exemplifies passion, insanity, and pure love. I love that woman so deeply that it hurts me. I am about to tell you something that will shock you."

"Ryan, tell me. There aren't many things that surprise me right now." Rowena responded with a smile.

"Every time I see Mia, I want to rip her clothes off and make love with her. This love is like a raging cyclone, destroying everything. If she dies, I will die. That is why I must set her free from the curse."

Ryan closed his eyes, overwhelmed by emotion. Rowena stepped in:

"And Theolinda?"

Ryan grinned and opened his eyes.

"This will impress you. I adore Theo as well. She started as a friend, then a lover, and eventually I fell in love with her. That love is like a river flowing through my body. I feel at ease around her. I also feel a deep passion. Because Theo and I are passionate and often make love. I did not lie to Mia when I said I was in love with someone else. That's why I married Theo; I adore her. But it was also to keep Mia away from me, because I love her and don't want to hurt her. Despite the fact that I did not achieve my goal, Mia continues to spiral into insanity."

Rowena grinned and took a big breath.

"Dear Ryan, bigamy is prohibited on Ablington Island."

Ryan burst with laughter.

"I know. But you know I've never paid much attention to the rules."

Rowena responded:

"Believe me, I understand what you're saying. Now let me explain how I define those two loves of yours."

"Tell me."

"You and Mia share an Epic Love. Your connection is profound, with elements of passion, suffering, and the looming possibility of disaster. What more could define an Epic Love? It's an eternal love. However, let's save the debate for another time."

Ryan grinned and asked:

"How about Theo? What type of love do I feel for her?"

"You and Theolinda embody Healing Love. It's a passionate, companionable love. It's the perfect love. I've told you before, Ryan. However, following your visit to the Dark Dimension, you must pick between the two."

Ryan stated:

"I need to discuss this matter with you. After much contemplation, I've come to the realization that I must make a sacrifice."

Rowena exclaimed:

"How are you going to sacrifice yourself?"

"I must give myself to Alexandra. If anyone has to pay for it all, it's me. Rowena, promise to keep this a secret. I have trust in you." Ryan begged.

"I promise you, Ryan. And I admire what you are about to do. I understand how difficult it is for you."

Ryan stated sincerely:

"I wish there was another choice, but this is the only one. It's a pleasure to speak with you, Rowena."

Rowena stepped out of jail with a sad heart. She intended to consult the tarot to find out what would happen in the Dark Dimension. She prayed there was another option.

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