33: Undone

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Dawn felt as though she was rooted in place as she stared at her sister, at the person she thought was her sister. What did Freya mean? Why was she looking at her with resentment in her gaze?

"Freya?" Dawn asked, wanting to take a step towards the Watcher but finding that her legs felt as heavy as lead. "What do you mean?"

"Did you not hear Alani? I'm not your sister."

"You are."

"No, I'm not." The Watcher's hazel eyes were flat as they stared at her, completely void of brightness or any life that Dawn had grown accustomed to seeing. "I'm so glad I don't have to pretend to be anymore, it was suffocating."

The way Freya was looking at her ripped the world out from underneath her. She could not see the girl she had raised, had provided for, had given everything she had and was for. This was not the Freya she knew, where had she gone?

"What is the meaning of this, Alani?" Zyire demanded, having come to his senses before his supposed daughter. "When did this happen?"

"Why do you think I left?"

Dawn finally found the will to move, shaking her head at Alani's words. "You came to Kings Grave five years before I was born, that does not add up."

"What I told you was not the truth." The witch argued. "I sought a home in Kings Grave the second I realised I was carrying you."


"What do you think would have happened if Garrett and his goons caught wind of a hybrid being born? This is exactly what they are trying to accomplish." Alani pointed a hand towards Dawn, as though she was the cause of everything bad that had happened. As though everything was her fault. "They would have found a way to kidnap her, to use her for their own goal. I could not let that happen."

"They're trying to make humans stronger." She found that her voice sounded soft and too weak as some more pieces clicked into place. "The creatures?"

Alani nodded, happy that Dawn was not completely useless. "Are failed experiments."

"And so you put my daughter under their nose and mutilated her?" Zyire, who was known for being deranged and joyful, was not smiling. His voice was holding the edge of a shout as he looked back and forth between his love and his blood. "She could have been raised here! I could have had a daughter!"

"You wouldn't have a daughter when they used her for their experiments! She is essentially Experiment Zero in their eyes!" Alani roared back, trying to convince him to see her side of things; the correct side. "Pretending as though she was human, letting Garrett watch her grow up as a human was the best way to protect her! He only started growing suspicious recently so I sent her away on the mission with Syrena!"

Dawn watched their argument with abject fascination, as though she was not the subject but rather a spectator. Everything within her felt numb, there was no way Alani's words had any truth to them. If that was the case, then why was her family staring at her as though they believed otherwise? As though they knew otherwise?

"You don't believe me? No matter, I have a way to prove it once and for all." Alani finally growled at Zyire after he shook his head, going to her bag once more and pulling a syringe from one of the pockets. A curious black liquid was contained within, and Dawn took another step back at the sight.

Syrena, who had been watching in utter disgust, stepped before Dawn to block the witch's path. "What are you planning on doing with that needle?"

"Step aside, girl."

"Not until you tell me."

"You dare defy me?"

Syrena, who had never once rebelled against her superiors, remained in place, acting as a live shield. "Yes, I dare."

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