55: Pit of Vipers

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When the sun rose a few mornings after, it was the day that Dawn would be shown to the members of the royal Monstra. Not yet her coronation, but the day King Zyire introduced her as his heir.

"Today is your debut!" Gaige announced as he marched into Dawn's room early that morning, uncaring that she was still in bed. As if she needed reminding! "You need to look perfect, first impressions are incredibly important."

"I need to look intimidating, something that will make me look as if I belong to my status." She knew that her designer already knew as much, she believed she had said the words a thousand times over.

"You already look intimidating, but I'll do my best." He pondered for a moment, flinging open her wardrobe as if it belonged to him. Perusing the options, he pulled the same black gown that Dawn had first tried on; it's metal detailing gleaming like armour. It did look remarkably threatening. "This is the one I had originally envisioned."

"It's perfect." Dawn smiled, feeling a peculiar sense of fondness for that particular dress.

"Do you need help putting it on?" He asked, clearly remembering that she needed Syrena's assistance the first time.

"If you would be so kind."

With Gaige's help and nimble fingers, Dawn was dressed in no time. Staring at herself in the mirror, she ran her hands down the front of the garment, feeling the smooth fabric. It truly was a remarkable creation.

"Now, the matter of your hair." He said as he plucked a pair of heeled black boots from the wide range of options, having the princess step into them. It was a good thing she had practised walking in them beforehand otherwise it would've been notably embarrassing. Gaige then motioned for her to sit before him. "I was thinking of a braided updo considering the dress has a high neckline."

Dawn turned to look at him before being swatted by the boy so that he could easily access her hair. "You can braid hair too?"

"Einar has a little sister and I practised doing her hair every time I saw her." Gaige smiled happily, already working on Dawn's long mess of chestnut waves.

"Do you have a family?'

"I do, but I am not close with them." There was no hint of sadness in his voice, and Dawn suspected that he did not care. "I have long since considered the tailors my family. They took me in, showed me a world of colour and fabrics, and indulged in my fantasies. I couldn't have asked for nicer people to raise me."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"What about you?" His tone was cautious, but also curious. "You have two sisters? Not to mention King Zyire is your father."

Dawn noted that Gaige wisely did not mention Alani; on purpose no doubt. "Yes, you've met Rose. She isn't biologically related to me, but she is my family nonetheless. I have another sister who I thought I was related to, although she also does not share my blood."

"Who is this sister? Have I seen her before?"

She would've shaken her head if Gaige was not carefully pinning braids in place. "Her name is Freya, and I don't think you have seen her. She doesn't like Monstra."

"But you are a Monstra."

"I know." She said with a sad smile. Her heart refused to heal on that front. Perhaps she should seek her out again, wherever she was within the kingdom. Dawn also had not seen her around and she wondered how Freya filled her days. Was she happy? Well, as happy as she could be? Did she long for Kings Grave? Did Freya miss her at all?

"What do you think of King Zyire?" Gaige swiftly changed the topic, obviously seeing that Dawn was upset. "It was a shock to all of us to discover that he has a child."

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