42: Stronger Still

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Syrena led Dawn to a part of the castle that she had not been to before. Climbing a grand staircase, the Commander brought her to a fork in the hallway, a singular door down one corridor, and multiple on the adjoining.

"This corridor is for you." Syrena gestured to their left towards the single door, before motioning to the right. "And the one over there is for your Royal Guard and any members of your court that you wish to keep close."

Dawn struggled to grasp the meaning behind Syrena's words. "My court?"

"One thing at a time." The Commander reminded her before opening the lone door. "This is to be your room."

Taking a peek inside, Dawn could scarcely believe what she was seeing. "This cannot be for me."

"You are King Zyire's daughter, it can only be for you."

"This room is bigger than my entire cabin within Kings Grave."

"Consider yourself lucky you get an upgrade, then."

Dawn took a tentative step into the room that looked to be grander than any building she had ever had the privilege of being in before. Not even the fancier homes she had broken into within the ruins could compare to the splendour that was before her. Much like Syrena's room, hers consisted of similar furniture along with separate doors that lead to the balcony and bathroom; at first glance, it appeared as though hers were bigger than the Commander's, a fact that brought her a great amount of smug satisfaction.

Completely passing the threshold, she took great care in observing each and every detail. The bed was towards the centre of the room, its golden headboard pushed against the wall; the framework looked as though it was made of shimmering vines and leaves and it was clear that whoever had made it was an expert in their craft. The bed itself was so large that Dawn was sure she could fit a small family within it. The desk was deep mahogany, which matched the incredibly impressive wardrobe, vanity, and other various pieces of wooden furniture that filled the space. Her bathroom was much like Syrena's, only grander and void of anything that marked it as hers. There was even a plush rug and couch nearer the wall opposite the bed, a perfect spot to idle away the time by reading. The windows, much like everything else in this room, were large and brilliant. From the balcony, she could see the entirety of Zyire and the world beyond. The lamps and lights from homes glittered like stars against the dark backdrop of the night, and the orange glow was oddly comforting despite her having no previous connection to such a welcoming sight.

"What do you think?" Syrena spoke after Dawn had finished observing what was now her home, tone betraying her curiosity as to whether the kingdom would suffice for a girl like her.

"Not bad." She uttered as she approached the door amongst the windows, pushing it open and allowing the night air to envelop her as she stepped outside.

"Not bad." Syrena echoed with a scoff. "Have you seen better?"

"What do you think?" Dawn did not bother to hide the sarcasm from her voice as she leaned against the railing of the balcony.

"I think the kingdom is starting to grow on you."

"Like a fungus." She grumbled, looking over her shoulder towards the room that lay behind. "I shouldn't have a room as large as this, I don't even have enough possessions to make it look as though someone lives in here."

"Speaking of, a team of tailors will need to provide you with a wardrobe." Syrena leaned her back against the railing, folding her arms as she thought. "I'm sure that all other necessities will be offered to you. Shop owners clamour at the chance to be favoured by royalty."

"Even half human ones?"

"Even them." Dawn could tell that Syrena was avoiding speaking of Alani, and she could surmise that these shop owners had been all too happy to provide for the human queen.

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