3: Promising Gamble

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Dawn was eleven the first time she saw a monster. Her and Rose had been playing near the eastern border when they suddenly appeared, as though they were made from shadows. They had come from the neighbouring kingdom. Zyire, it was called, named after the sovereign who was said to be particularly demented. While the girls knew they could not pass through the border, it did not stop them from freezing in terror at the sight of their natural enemies. One in particular tried to reach through to them, its skin sizzling until the flesh melted off the bone. The monster howled in pain, its companions forcing it away from the border. Dawn had tried to forget the smell of burning flesh over the years, but it is not an easy scent to forget. Nor was the pained cry, as though the monster could feel. Often, on days like today, she was haunted by the memory, unable to get the image out of her head. Luckily for her, she was training today.

There were specific training grounds for Venturers. A small glade with a well-worn path running along the outer edges allowed for members of their career to build up endurance. No one left the glade until their legs could no longer hold them upright.

It had been a few weeks since the last Venture Day, and this glade grew progressively busier and busier in the shadow of the next one. They had more numbers this time, with new graduates filling in the spots of the deceased. It was always this way, the numbers of Venturers waxing and waning was to be expected considering what they do.
The fresh graduates stood in a line at the centre of the glade, looking up at the older Venturers with respect and unfounded hope glimmering in their eyes. How quickly that hope would die after their first Venture Day. Dawn almost felt sorry for them, for choosing a career that most don't walk out of alive. However, she could understand why they chose this path, the money earned could save a family from the brink of starvation. She understood that feeling all too well.

"All right, graduates! Listen up!" Juni, the Head Venturer, began her speech about the dangers of this role, like she did every year. Dawn had memorised it to the point where she was able to tune out the foreboding words and focus on stretching. Considering Dawn had been a Venturer for many years, she was considered one of the 'older ones' and while she was able to train by herself, she was also expected to provide guidance. Sensing an opportunity while the graduates were distracted, Dawn began jogging around the track. There was nothing worse than seeing hopeful faces, only for them to be found dead mere days later.

Dawn's endurance and speed was among the best within her career. Being a naturally fast runner, her brutal years of training allowed her to build up stamina on top to the point where she easily breezed through all kinds of landscapes, quiet enough to remain undetected. It was one of the reasons she had lived as long as she had. Many of the rookies had yet to learn this skill. The next Venture Day will prove who have the ability to quickly adopt this skill, and those who do not.

As it stood, Dawn had no friends who were Venturers. There was an unwritten rule when one joined their career: do not expect to make friends. Venturers kept to themselves, trained themselves, and dared not to form any attachments with those who may die each month. Venturers could not travel together and were not allowed to mourn their fallen. While this appeared heartless to members of the Service and Watchers, who were allowed to make friends within their regiments, only Venturers seemed to understand that this was their way of showing respect. To not cause any unnecessary pain.

So Dawn continued running around the track by herself, making sure to regulate her breathing and keep an eye on her footing. Running was second nature to her at this point, something she prided herself on. She knew that this was something she was incredibly skilled at and was one of her most valuable assets.

"Dawn!" Juni called from the centre, bringing her out of her focus.

Jogging over to the Head Venturer, Dawn was relieved that there were no graduates surrounding her. "Yes?"

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