51: Threat From Above

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Having their pick of trees that seemingly grazed the clouds, Dawn chose one at random once the sky had begun to lighten, signalling that it was now time to hide. Climbing had always been second nature to her, and she breezed upwards with little effort, reaching the highest branch that could support her weight in a short amount of time. Syrena, despite growing up in the kingdom, was right behind her. Thankfully, the branch had quite a large base where it joined the trunk, making for the prime spot to lounge around until sunset. There never had been much to do when you lived within a forest, and Dawn had almost forgotten how bored she used to be at times; sitting where she was now was unearthing long buried memories, and yet they were still as familiar to her.

"What are our next steps?" Syrena asked once she had settled herself in a similar fashion to Dawn, openly mimicking her actions now that she was out of her depth.

"Wait here until the sun sets, then push north until we find what we are looking for, all while evading anyone or anything that would kill us on sight." She answered somewhat cheerfully, gazing upwards. Branches mostly blocked her view of the sky, but the grey clouds that passed overhead were still possible to watch. Her bow and arrows were close to hand, and she suddenly felt human again. "A simple plan."

"I don't like this."

"Do you ever like anything?"

"I mean that there are a lot of uncertainties, and we do not know what to expect." Syrena clarified. "We don't even know what we are looking for."

"Huh, that sounds familiar."

"I wish something could be simple for once."

Dawn chuckled lightly and shook her head. "Nothing in this world is ever simple, Syrena."

"I'm painfully aware of that fact." She responded solemnly, letting the silent sounds of the forest settle between them.

"This is the furthest north that I have ever been within the forest." Dawn commented after a while, listening to the sounds of nature. It was different here, the very air seemed to hold its breath for fear of attracting unwanted attention. Living in the Base had been a nightmare, but at least it had felt somewhat safe. "Well, if you don't include the northern border."

"I have never been north of anywhere."

"Really?" Dawn asked, to which Syrena nodded in response. "That makes me feel a bit better."

"About what?"

"About not having seen much of the world."

"You'll see your fair share of it soon enough." Syrena's hand brushed against her knives, ensuring they were all counted for despite not having used them yet. A nervous habit, no doubt. Dawn inwardly smiled at the thought. "Typically, a newly crowned ruler visits each town and city that lies within their land."

Dawn hesitated before speaking, unsure whether to bring the topic up. "Like Monrya?"

Syrena appeared unaffected. "Yes, like Monrya."

"You can stay behind for that visit in that case."

"I'm going with you, I'm one of your guards."

"How do you feel about that town? I've always wondered." Dawn asked somewhat gently, not wanting to dampen the mood by dragging up unwanted feelings. "You obviously have bad memories attached to it, but it is objectively beautiful."

"It is beautiful, and there are times when I miss it." Syrena admitted, keeping her gaze to the forest as though she was lost in a memory. "But I have forbidden myself from thinking about it for too long, I don't want to feel the emotions it brings."

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