31: The Imposter

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"I picked up some things from the market, you both must be hungry."

"Thanks, Leixa." Syrena said in earnest before pausing. "Is that clothing?"

"For Dawn, she only has the rags on her back so I thought she might need something to wear if she truly is living here now." Leixa explained, items rustling as she handed them to the Commander. "Luckily the tailors still had some in their shop."

"Good move, though I wonder if she'll want them."

"Is she still asleep?"

"Yes, I didn't want to wake her just yet."

"Seems fair enough, though I'm not sure how she will manage to adjust to such a big change."

"I will help her."

"Well duh, that goes without saying." The Second sounded as though she was grinning. "Anyway, I have to go and cover your ass until you're fully healed. You better hurry up, I'm growing tired of all this work."

"I shall return to work soon."

"I'm counting on it."

Dawn heard the door swing closed, light footsteps treading carefully to the opposite side of the room. Growing tired of feigning sleep, the former Venturer sat up and stretched, alerting her roommate.

"You're awake." Syrena spoke, meeting Dawn's gaze as she opened the doors to her balcony.

"Have been for a while." Dawn replied, staring at the brown paper bags the Monstra set on the table outside, then to the clothes folded over her arm. "Are those for me?"

"Yes, Leixa bought them this morning."

Dawn looked down at what she was wearing and sighed. Yes, she supposed she ought to change. "Very well."

"Are you hungry?" Syrena asked, gesturing to the paper bags before pulling out the various delicacies from within.

Standing and stretching the sleep from her limbs, the human girl took a step towards the food. Dawn looked at the table in wonder before taking a seat, not knowing where to start.

"They're not poisoned if that's what you're worried about."

"Of course I'm not." Dawn snapped, gingerly reaching for what looked to be an oddly shaped piece of bread. Out of everything on the table, it was the most familiar to her.

"Oh, you've never seen anything like this, have you?" Syrena's eyes widened as she realised Dawn's reason for hesitating before her expression slipped back into her regular one of haughtiness. "What do you usually eat in the forest? Pinecones and acorns?"

"You have seen what we eat, no need to act so superior." She grumbled as she sat back, as happy as she could be with her choice. "We eat whatever we can grow within the glades, those are the places that allow for the most sunlight. We also have livestock and rivers at our disposal so really, your fancy bread is just for show."

Dawn looked out over the edge of the railing and to the kingdom beyond as she nibbled on her bread. She hadn't realised how hungry she was until she started eating and soon enough, she had tried almost everything on the table. All the various breads and items Syrena had called pastries were each unique and rich in flavour, almost too rich for Dawn's stomach to handle. Not that she was complaining, it was the best food she had ever eaten before in her life; she found herself wishing her sisters were here to enjoy it too.

"How would you feel about being given a tour of Zyire?" Syrena asked once they had both finished eating, clearing away the remnants to be disposed of.

Dawn shrugged, gazed fixed on the kingdom that surrounded her. You see, we were right, it seemed to whisper, you can never escape, you shall remain here forever. "I suppose that wouldn't be the worst idea in the world."

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