48: The Royal Guard

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Syrena insisted on staying by Dawn while she slept to keep watch, even though the Commander herself was starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. Thanks to the medicine, she was practically unconscious by the time Syrena had opened the door to Dawn's room and laid her down in her bed. Pulling the covers over her, the Commander stood still for a moment, wondering what to do now that Dawn was where she needed to be.

It felt almost surreal to be standing in Dawn's room, even more so when Syrena tentatively sat at the edge of the bed, watching her. Having seen her on the ground in the medical wing, Syrena's heart lurched at the sight of her sleeping peacefully now. In her mind's eye, she could still see the frantic look in her golden eyes, and could still hear her panicked cry. Dawn had very seldom allowed herself to outwardly show her fear but, in that instance, she was visibly terrified. What had she seen that Syrena could not?

With gentle fingers, Syrena reached out to tuck a lock of hair out of Dawn's face. She hoped that the medicine would work and that the princess might find some relief now that she had it running through her system. The Commander had not been lying when she said that Dawn's madness did not scare her. She had no feelings of apprehension or hesitation towards Dawn now that she knew the extent of her problems. Syrena would help her through it for as long as she was needed and wanted. Looking at her now, Syrena knew that she would never abandon her. It was quite the forceful emotion, and had she been standing she was sure that she would have doubled over. She had never felt this way towards anyone. King Zyire had her loyalty, as did Leixa, the Protectors, and the civilians of the Eastern Territories, but this was much different. This was so much more.

The realisation startled her. When it came to her priorities, Dawn had somehow wormed her way up to the very top of the list. How had that happened? When did that happen? How had Dawn won her loyalty?

"What are you doing to me, Dawn?" Syrena whispered into the night, unable to keep her hand from touching the soft skin of Dawn's cheek, the waves of her hair, the curve of her shoulders. "I used to be respectable, you know."

Have I corrupted you? Her voice rang clearly through her mind, along with the image of the smirk that would have accompanied those words.

"Since you are asleep, I suppose it is fine to admit that I have indeed been corrupted by you." She breathed, daring to lay next to the sleeping girl, eyes never leaving her for a moment. "The worst part is, I like it."

It was true, Syrena had never felt more herself since having met Dawn. She had never known a closeness like the one she shared with the girl beside her, and now that she did, how could she ever return to the way she was before?

Without warning, Dawn shifted in her sleep, seeking the closest warm thing to her. Syrena stared with wide eyes as the girl wrapped her blanket covered arms around her body, head burying into the crook of her neck. Ignoring the jump and subsequent race of her heart, the Commander lay frozen under her, not knowing how to respond. Should she remove herself? Should she allow Dawn to use her as a pillow? Was she comfortable like that?

She could feel Dawn's breaths against the skin of her neck, and Syrena suddenly found the need to distract herself in any way she could.

Looking around the room, her eyes traced every inch of the ceiling, then the walls, then the furniture, until they landed upon something that gave her pause. Lying in the corner of the room, a stray piece of paper caught her eye, and she struggled to look away. Had a piece of her paperwork slipped out from the bundle? Certainly Dawn would have noticed and returned it if it had. Though, perhaps she had been too preoccupied to notice.

Gently unfolding herself from Dawn's entanglement, Syrena silently moved across the room to the paper. Picking it up, she was almost startled to find it addressed to her. Her eyes flew over the words, a peculiar sinking feeling rapidly settling within her.

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