2 - Finding the courage

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*Emma pov*

"I-I need to go..." I quietly say
"Emma!" Matt, my older brother whispers yells at me as I run outside of the room.
Once I'm out I try to take deep breaths, the cold December weather hurting my throat as I do so and as fast as I can I walk to the nearest wall and crouch down.
Pulling my knees up I lay my head on my legs and silently cry...
I'm here, outside of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, crying my heart out in the cold, never thinking in my life I would have to deal with this so soon.

After I think ten minutes I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder but I don't bother to pick up my head
"Miss? Miss are you ok? I know it's a stupid question cause I can hear you cry but..." a worried male voice says as his hand start to gently rub my shoulder.
I slowly pick up my head and I'm met with the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen
"I'm so sorry miss. But I think you should stand up, your gonna freeze your butt off if you don't" he says trying to lighten up the mood, and he manages cause I let a chuckle escape my mouth.
I take his hand and he pulls me up.
"I'm Chris" he says shaking my hand
"I know...I'm Emma" at which he blushes a little cause I recognized him
"Can I help you in any way Emma?"
"I have to go back in there but I don't know if I can" I say as we start to walk. Once he stops in front of the coffee booth outside of the hospital I see he fishes his wallet from his back pocket and orders two hot Chico then pays for them before I can even open my mouth and protest
"You didn't have to, I'm gonna pay you back"
"No need. If I'm not prying what's in there that scares you so much?"
"My mom, stage four lung cancer, I'm scared to say goodbye" I say looking down at my hot chocolate
"I'm so sorry"
"I know I have to, but I just ran out cause it's too much. It's so unfair, she always led an healthy life, never smoked once. I wanted her to see me in a wedding dress one day, I wanted to have her meet my kids, but cancer it's taking her away from me, my brother and my father" I continue as tears make their way on my cheeks
"I'm truly sorry Emma. But you said it, you have to say goodbye, you'll regret it if you don't" he says taking my hand in his and I look up briefly
"Go up there, hug her tight like you never did before, like there's no tomorrow cause unfortunately you don't know if there's one..."
"I can't bring myself to go back..."
"What if we finish these hot chocolates and I'll walk you up...I know we don't know each other but..."
"Why would you do that Chris?"
"I feel the need to do this. Even if it won't help..."
"Ok, thank you"
"No problem Emma"

We finish our drinks and I show him the way, he asks what floor and pushes the right bottom once I tell him. He walks me to her door and watches me knock on it, as I waits for an answer he gently squeezes my hand, then when the door is opened by Matt, my brother, he nods at me wand walks away.
Matt looks at me with a sad smile and he hugs me tight
"You can do this Em" he says in my ear
He holds my hand as we walk together to my mom
"Hi mommy"
"H-hi honey" she says in a weak voice
I do what Chris told me, I hug her like there's no tomorrow.

After an hour the visiting hours ended and my father brought us back to our childhood home.
"I'm sorry I ran" I say as we sit down for dinner
"It's ok sweetie" my dad says holding my hand
"You don't have to apologize Em...it's not easy" Matt says
"Who was the guy that was behind you when you got back" my brother asks
"Chris...he saw me outside crying and convinced me to go back upstairs, I stalled a little so he told me he would walk me up"
"That's was very nice of him...is he handsome?"
"He's a good looking fella" Matt tells my father making my cheeks go red
"Go to hell..." I whisper and Matt laughs
But Matt is right, Chris is an handsome man...

This is the first official chapter of this book and I hope you liked it, tell me what you think!
I hope I can post every other day

Hidden Love at Covid Times - Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now