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Aitana's POV

Here I was trying to get in some seperate training and yet again here I was being interrupted.

I groaned as I heard the sound of a bike revving in the parking lot. Doesn't she know how deadly those things are? If she cared about the team she wouldn't risk her life like that. It's stupid.

"Evening Aitana."

"Why are you always here?" I groaned looking over at the younger midfielder.

"Couldn't I be asking you the same thing?"

"I always come to shoot around late at night. Its supposed to be a peaceful alone time for me." I rolled my eyes as I walked into the facility.

"Wow, I'm just great at ruining your day aren't I? All I have to do is exist. Crazy."

"You didn't ruin my day." I shot back at her refusing to give her the satisfaction of thinking she had absolutely any control over me.

"You know you don't have to hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Yeah...ya do." She laughed as she playfully tossed her ball at me. I ignored it and let it roll past me. I came here to practice.

"Oh come on." She groaned in a playful voice. Why did she want my attention so bad? It was so annoying. One time she snubbed me now she's begging for my attention.

"I just don't understand why you're here. Its not like you actually love Barcelona like the rest of us. You just care about winning." I told her and she stopped walking.

I paused as well to look back at the girl who held her helmet in her hand. Her small nose flaring a little as she stared at me annoyed. Hmm finally seems like I pressed one of her buttons.

"And I don't get why I'm trying to be nice to you when you don't deserve it." She let out a sigh quickly collected her back and turned around to leave.

"McKinley you don't have to leave." I called out in a panic afraid I hurt her feelings. Not that I honestly should care but the team would.

"No. I probably should. I would hate to be an inconvenience to the Aitana Bonmati." She exaggerated throwing her hands up.

"Seriously this is my issue?"

"Literally what! I'm giving you your way. I'm leaving and now you're mad."

"I'm mad because you act like an arrogant asshole. Just like you did four years ago! I don't see how nobody else sees it. You're so SELFISH!" She looked at me stunned for a moment then her face scrunched in confusion.

"What are you talking about four years ago?" She asked me softly trying to read my facial expressions as the anger died down.

"Do you not even remember one of the last times we interacted? I walked onto that field in the round of sixteen. I was excited to me you and asked to swap jerseys and you were a bitch to me. So no I'm sorry if all I think about when I hear your name is the fact that you were too rude to even talk to me." I sighed shaking my head. It seemed crazy on my end for holding a four year grudge but she's only proved my point. But she's still so selfish and arrogant and rude.

"I don't even remember that day very well. Look I'm sorry if I didn't talk to you long enough that day-."

"At all." I corrected her. A frown taking over her face as she looked at the ground.

"You really asked me for my jersey?"

"And you laughed in my face and walked away." I crossed my arms across my chest a small flare of pain resurfacing.

"You still care about that? It was four years ago. Aitana you're so much better than me now. Why do you care so much about a jersey that you didn't get four years ago?"

I shook my head. She thinks its all about a stupid jersey? Its about the fact that she didn't care enough back then to give me a second of her time. It was about the disrespect and embarrassment she handed me that day. It was about the way I was crushed after being blown off by the American.

"Forget it. Have a nice night Martin." I turned around and stormed out of the training facility. I wasn't in the right mind anymore to train. Everything I would do would just be angry and off target.

If I went onto that field right now I'd just be injured and then I'd be replaced by McKinley motherfucking Martin. And I'd be damned to see her take my position. The Barcelona starting mid spot is mine.

This is my spot my team. No way would I let her under my skin enough to take my spot.


Did you run McKinley off the field??-O💜👭🏻

You have to be nice to her Tana!-O💜👭🏻

I wasn't mean.

Yeah that's a lie.-💜👭🏻

When did she become your bestfriend?

Don't be like that.-O💜👭🏻

I'm not. You seem to care alot more about her lately. What's your deal with her anyways? I thought you had a girlfriend?

Is that what this is about?-O💜👭🏻


Aitana, are you okay?-O💜👭🏻

I'm fine.


I threw my phone in frustration as I got into my car. I just want to start the season. I don't want to deal with my feelings for Ona. I don't want to talk to McKinley Martin. I just want to play soccer.

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