Game Time

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Aitana's POV

"Are you nervous?"

"Umm no why would I be?"

"No! Uh you shouldn't you're going to do great! I'm so excited to watch you play today."

"Hmm nice recovery." McKinley quirked an eyebrow as she sat in her locker.

"I'm just a nervous person. Sorry I guess I assumed you might have been."

"Hmm yeah I'm not that type." She shrugged preparing her boots.

"So umm...hold down the midfield for me?"

"I'll try my best." Mick was being so dry. Maybe I pissed her off by assuming she's be nervous? I just figured that maybe she would be scared for her first game at Barcelona.

"Why do you look upset?"

"Oh, me?" I broke out of my thoughts to look at her. She had a small smile on her face as she tilted her head to look at me.

"Well I was talking to you..."

"I'm fine."

"Eww I hate that answer. People only say I'm fine when they're not fine." She rolled her eyes as she pulled the boots over her socks.

"I am fine I promise!" I playfully pushed her arm getting a smile from her.

"You know I was afraid that we wouldn't get over the you know issues or fighting, but I'm really glad we did."

"Yeah because now you're my girlfriend." I smiled as I felt my face heat up.

"Yeah odd side effect of that situation." She shrugged standing up.

"Wait what?"

"Nothin. See you later, bye." She kissed my check and walked out of the locker room with Lucy. What was that supposed to mean?

"She's right you know? You look upset."

"Past few days things have just felt off..."

"Eh it's probably no big deal Aitana. You always overthink things." Ona rubbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. Maybe I just needed a night with my bestfriend. Ona was always the best at talking me through my overthinking.

I remember when she was back in England playing for United we'd coordinate the best time to FaceTime each other. It kept her from being homesick and me from missing her so much. It was so hard to be without her.

"Thank you for being my bestfriend Ona."

"Always love."

"Aitana and Ona forever." I smiled holding her hand with the biggest smile on my face.

"Go play good out there today Batlle."

"Will do!" Ona jogged out onto the field to warm up.

I wouldn't lie to myself and act like not playing wasn't make me super sad. The stupid injury was so unfortunate. It was just hard to be upset, because it was Ona and if anyone Ona was one of the cleanest players on the field. She'd never hurt her best friend. It was just a mistimed step by both of us.

But now I was out for the first few games due to a minor ankle injury. I didn't want to rush back either and possibly make things so much worse. It was one thing to be on the bench, but to be on the bench knowing I wasn't going in was excruciating.

I wanted to be here to support the team nonetheless. And of course watch my girlfriend play in her first Barcelona game.

"Alright ladies! Let's go." Alexia clapped her hands hyping up the girls.

"Mick, goodluck!"

"Thank you Tana." Mick blushed with a small smile on her face as she took one last glance at me before jogging onto the field.


"YES MICK!" I jumped into her arms as she walked back over to the bench after the final whistle.

She played absolutely insane today! She scored two goals and had an assist as well. I was so glad to see she was keeping my spot well played while I was out. I was just so excited to see her do so good on her debut as well. Ona played amazing too! She was so happy to be returning to Barca.

"Thank you Tana."

"Martin! Interview." Coach Jonatan waved her over and she jogged to the other section of the sideline.

"She played really well." Alexia walked up to me and I nodded.

"Might have some competition."

"Wait what?!"

"Teasing you Tana."

"What if she keeps playing really good and I stay on the bench though?"

"Well that would be good for your girlfriend..."

"Yeah, but for me..."

"Multiple midfield spots, don't be too worried." She gave me a quick hug before walking on.

Damn, what if I get replaced? She couldn't have played much better today its almost as if she played with the same style as me.

"My first Barca win!" Ona picked me up and spun me in a circle super excited.

"I'm so proud of you Ona!" I held her tight and kissed her cheek.

"It feels so good to be back home."

"I'm so glad to have you home. Soon enough I'll be back on that field with you." I pulled her in again for a tight squeeze.

"Hell yeah."

"Hey sorry interviews." Mick jogged back over to me with a smile. Something was different about her now than earlier. I'll take it as a good thing, but I still want to ask her about it.

"Congrats on your goals today McKinley. I'm super proud of you."

"Hmm music to my ears."


"Compliments from Ms. Bonmati herself." She smiled grabbing the bottle from my hand.

"I guess if I were you I'd be pretty honored as well." I teased her grabbing her arm.

"We should probably keep things lowkey out here you know?" I nodded as the smile dropped from my face and I took a step back.

"I'm going to go say the good games and whatever. I'll see you in a bit." She awkwardly excused herself to avoid standing in silence.

So there is something off about her. I mean I know that keeping things somewhat undercover would be smart but I didn't feel like I was doing anything super flirty or out of the ordinary. So why was she so eager to run away from me?

"You okay Tana?" Lucy glanced over at me and I forced a smile and nodded.

"No you're not..." Lucy scanned the field then immediately made her way toward McKinley. I'm not sure what that was about. Why did Lucy assume that Mick would be the one who upset me even if that is the case.

Was I missing something?

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