Double Date

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Lucy's POV

"Ona if we're late they will damn sure know it's your fault!" I yelled through her apartment as I waited by the door.

We were supposed to be driving to the dinner already. Ona so bad with time and any other time it would be funny but I'm starving and I'm excited for this double date. Aitana and Mick just seem like they're so cute together. I was no where near expecting them to get together but they are cute.

"I will tell them it's my fault." Ona rolled her eyes running past me. She knew that I couldn't actually get mad at her for stuff like this.

"I'm hungry woman do not mess with me."

"Hi hungry I'm Ona."

"I will throw you from the moving vehicle." I deadpanned and she just giggled childishly in response.

"It's s good thing you're cute."

"I know right." Ona's cheekily little smile made my cheeks turn red. She's so adorable it was impossible to be mad at her.

"I'm so excited to see Aitana and McKinley together! They're so cute." Ona gushed scrolling through her snaps.

"I think its a pretty good match. The two just compliment each other someway."

"They do." I agreed as I focused on driving.

"Isn't it crazy how Aitana liked me when we started the season? Like after all this time and boom now she had feelings." I tried to mask the irritation from this conversation topic. Ona didn't realize that a lot of people like her. She's so oblivious to that stuff. I'm just straight forward and obvious about it.

I swear if I hadn't had blatantly asked her out in the way I did we'd never been together. Even some of my flirting went over her head.

"Why are you so quiet?"

"Huh? Oh sorry I was focusing on the road." I lied as we approached the restaurant.

"Hmm okay."

"Hey you two." McKinley walked over to me giving me a fist bump.

"Come here real quick. I wanna talk about something." I nodded away from the two Spanish girls. McKinley picked up what I was saying and we walked a few feet away.

"Am I crazy for thinking Ona likes you?"

" I'm sorry Bronze, but you know I'd never step in on her. I actually like Aitana so no need to worry on my end and if she tries anything I'll shut her down." McKinley told me and I felt slightly relieved.

"I still can't believe you took the dare and asked Aitana out. Now you're dating her too. Fucking crazy Martin."

"Yup we know I am."

"But like most people with a dare they go on the date and that's that. They blow it off after so like what's your plan?" I asked her curiously eyeing behind us to make sure the two girls weren't approaching.

"Have a little fun then things just 'won't be working out' you know? Or...maybe I'll actually stay with her. I'm just messing around to see what I feel like doing."

"Just mess around with anyone but Ona. I'll kill you Martin if you take her."

"I could...if I wanted to but I wouldn't do that to you." She stuck her hand out and we did our quick hand shake before walking back to the two spanish girls.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Your mom." Mick smiled cheekily as she tapped Aitana's nose.

"Shut it." Aitana rolled her eyes for a second trying to hide the smile on her face.

Damn she was actually falling for Mick. McKinley is toying her and part of me feels awful but the other part of me knows that as long as McKinley is with Aitana that Ona will stay with me.

"Let's get seated shall we?" I motioned forward as the hostess lead us to our table.

"Alright Mick favorite moment here so far?"

"Easy the restaurant that basically calls me family now. Small things like that make me love Barcelona."

"Favorite teammate?"


"What?!" Aitana and Ona's jaws dropped.

"We've been friends for awhile..." I told them not understanding the shock.

"What's your favorite position to play?" Ona questioned the American curiously.

"Honestly right wing will always be my home."

"My spot chica." Aitana laughed as she shook her head. Well that wasn't true at the moment.

"Ona, what's your favorite thing about your relationship with Lucy?"

"The cuddles." Ona blushed as she reached out to hold my hand.

"You're small so its fun." I squeezed her hand and smiled at the Spanish defender. Ever since I met her I knew I'd want to date her. Ona's so amazing and cute.

"Hmm I'm so lucky honestly. Lucy is an amazing girlfriend." Ona blushed resting her chin on our hands held together.

"Well hopefully Mick and I will continue to grow in our relationship." Aitana looked over at the American who was not as close to her as Ona and I were.

"What was your first kiss?"

"Mmm I had her over we watched Great Gatsby and I kissed her."

"It was perfect." Aitana smiled leaning her face closer to McKinley's.

"Aww so cute I think I'm going to throw up." I teased them and McKinley shook her head.

"Yeah how do you think I feel when I third wheel you two love birds." She rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged.

"Well ours was a little less random than you and Aitana. You know I had to make it so obvious to Ona that I liked her!" I smiled shaking my head at the defender who was so worried.

"I am so oblivious to that stuff." Ona looked at us innocently. She's stared at me more than McKinley this dinner and I couldn't help but smile at Ona. I was no longer feeling threatened by McKinley. Even if McKinley was dating Aitana as a dare she had made it clear that she would leave Ona alone.

I really liked and maybe was beginning to love Ona so I just wanted to make sure that we're going to last.

She's my girl 💞

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