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Aitana's POV

I turned around quickly when I felt a ball hit my back. Alexia smiled at me childishly as she approached me. Alexia at practice versus Alexia before and during games is such a different person.

She was funny and goofy at practice. She loved messing with everyone and tried to keep a smile on our faces. I guess its was partially made her such a great captain. She knew when to joke and when to be serious.

"I heard Lia and Leah came to visit Mick."

"Yeah it was great."

"Somehow my invite to that lunch was lost."

"I mean that's not my place really."

"I'm messing with you."

"I'm aware." I swallowed as I looked over at Lucy with the American midfielder.

"So no progress there, huh?"

"She was flirting with me." I shrugged remembering the car conversation. The way she was sweet and opened the door for me. She claims she only does that for me. I figured I'd be the only one to ride her bike too but I was wrong. She seemed happier with Ona on the back of it.

"That's good right?"

"Maybe..." I shuffled my foot nervously. She could just be playing games.

"Maybe? Why not?"

"What if she's not serious about it?"

"Okay and what if she is?" Alexia responsed trying to counter my negative thoughts.

"True I suppose."

"And what if you just focus on soccer right now then drive home and sit in your house for hours alone to dwell on those thoughts." Alexia sarcastically replied to me with a smile. I gave her a small shove but she bounced back towards me.

"Okay I won't overthink it."

"Hey you." Ona jumped up pushing herself off my shoulders as she began walking beside me.

"Morning Ona."


"You seem happier than usual. If that's even possible for you." I smiled at my bestfriend.

"You seem on the brighter side as well." I couldn't help but smile big at her. I kind of was happier than usual.

"I'm in a good mood."

"Me too sorry for the overshare but last night....wow." Ona rolled her eyes in the back of her head. I shook my head at the reminescente girl beside me.

"Ew...nice but ew." I laughed as I tried to shake the thought of her getting Laid out of my head.

"It was great. You need to get a girlfriend." I turned to her and sent her a look which just made her laugh.

"I'm not the only girl in the world Aitana. Besides Martin's single and seem to be more the eager to mingle with you." Ona wiggled her eyebrows. I just shook my head annoyed with the defenders attempts at playing matchmaker.


"No you wouldn't." Ona teased me.

"You sure?"

"Maybe...now I'm confused. I thought the two of you had some tension building did something happen?" Ona looked at me with a mix of confusion and worry.

"Well maybe that's part of the problem...nothing is happening between us. I mean tiny remarks or looks exchanged here and there. We're two games in and coach hasn't even played her. I mean what are the chances she sticks around?" I was worried to get attached. If I am going to date someone I'd like it to be one of the more permanent players on the team.

"What are you to talking about?" McKinley snuck up behind us with a grin.

"Just the team and stuff."

"Fun fun...so umm I was thinking we could all get dinner tonight." McKinley half asked us shyly.

"I'm busy tonight Mick...sorry let's schedule for later this week." Ona told her.

"I'm still free tonight." I forced myself to be old and she turned to me with a small smile.

"Cool its date then I'll see you tonight." She walked away with Alexia as she passed by. I turned to Ona with pure panic in my eyes. It's a date? A date?! What does she mean?

"Umm did she mean like...?"

"Ooo you have a date. I totally don't have anything tonight I just wanted to see if she would still want you to go." Ona shrugged. My eyes grew at the girl's admission.

"Okay well let's just focus on soccer for now then we can plan for the date tonight."

"So you admit its a date?" Ona smiled at me.

"That's what she called it..." I looked over at the other girl.

"Indeed she did." Ona's smile grew even bigger as she squeezed my shoulders then jumped away.

"Passing circles let's go." Coach clapped his hands as we all got into groups.

Alexia, Ona, Lucy, Mapi, Patri, and I got in a group with Mapi starting in the middle. We passed around a little as Mapi ran around hecticly trying to get the ball. Mapi loved being in the middle just so she could be the fastest to get the ball back.

"Mine mine mine mine." Mapi finally slid in front of Lucy. Lucy laughed as she jumped in the center next. We kept playing for awhile and eventually I ended up in the middle.

"Nooo I hate the middle." I groaned as I stepped into the circle and everyone began passing again. I tried maping out who the easiest to steal the ball from would be and there really wasn't a good answer.

Next thing I know I saw a weak pass from Patri and Ona and I stepped to it at the same time as Ona. I accidentally stepped straight onto Ona's foot but my ankle cracked sideways as I slid. Both of us went down in pain.

"Fuck." I mumbled against the ground as I held my foot.

"Are you okay?!" I panicked at the American voice next to me. I don't want her to see me like this.

"Aitana are you okay? What hurts?" Jonatan kneeled beside me. Everyone split between Ona and I.

"My ankle hurts really bad coach." I managed to form a sentence and rolled back over.

"Aitana...is she okay?" I could hear Ona's concerns as I held my eyes closed on the field.

"You're gonna be okay." A hand softly held to my back as the trainers placed a splint around the injured ankle. The American midfielder refusing to leave my side.

"What happened?" McKinley asked Alexia softly as the two stood over me.

"We were just doing to passing drill...I guess her and Ona both timed things wrong." Alexia told her quietly as everyone murmured around. Shortly after the coaches picked me up and carried me back out to the locker room and medical center.

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