2: coffee

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after the weirdest night of my life I decided to get a shower and go to sleep, not giving myself the chance to think about what had happened.

I had a shift at 12 so I need to get the bus at 11:15

my eyes opened and I quickly rushed about to get ready, shoving my hair in a ponytail and putting my makeup on hopefully covering the bruise on my cheek.

I put my black uniform on and grabbed my converse, phone and money before running out the door.

I got the bus which was fairly quiet for this time, eventually getting to work for 11:45

I had 15 minutes to help set up and get myself ready for the shit I will have to put up with today.

my first customers walked in at around 12 so I walked over to greet them.

'hi I'm jay, can I get use anything ?' I asked the two men kindly.

'yeah just two coffees please' the taller one asked, slightly smiling.

I nodded before going off to get the drinks.

the shop bell rang again and this time a woman walked in with another guy.

it was jaq and the guy from the car.

they sat themselves down with the two men who's coffees I had in my hands as I walked over.

'anything else ?' I smiled.

'yeah can I get a coffee' the man from the car asked.

'yea' I said politely before going over to make another coffee.

as I was making the coffee another customer walked over, I think she's called bev.

'um excuse me waitress' she snapped in my face rudely.

'hi are you okay' I asked slightly offended.

'no I'm not this coffee tastes like shit' she scoffed.

'oh I'm sorry I didn't make it but I'd be happy to make you anothe-' I started.

'no I just want a refund' she argued.

'sorry I can't give you a refund since its a coffee and you've already drank quite a bit of it' I explained.

'get me a refund' she demanded.

'I'm sorry I can-' I began before hot coffee splashed in my face and down my front.

'forget it' she yelled.

'fuck your refund cunt' I argued as she walked out the door.

coffee dripped off my nose onto the counter and down my neck.

'bitch' I mumbled, grabbing the guys coffee.

I walked over, putting it on the table before storming off into the back.

I sat at the break table, trying to dry myself off with some tissues when I heard the entrance to the back go.

I assumed it was the other worker braden so I ignored it, turning to face the opposite way as I continued trying to clean myself as I still had 3-4 more hours left.

'you got some bad luck uno' I heard a familiar female voice state.

I turned around to see jaq stood behind me.

'I'm starting to think your the bad luck' I joked, still cleaning my top.

'nah, I'm good luck innit' she said, taking a tissue. 'you got a bit of coffee in your hair'

'yeah cause of that phsyco' I scoffed.

'crazy bitch' she added, wiping coffee out my hair. 'how's your face ?'

'perfect' I sighed.

'looks it'

I turned to look at her, slapping her arm down. 'thanks' I chuckled.

'joking, you look nice still' she spoke seriously.

my cheeks flushed as I looked at her smiling.

'cmon Jay break times over' braden interrupted.

I rolled my eyes at him standing up angrily.

'yeah well if you didn't make shit coffee I wouldn't be taking a break' I grunted, bumping him with my shoulder as I walked back out to the cafe.

the three men were still sat there as I walked out with jaq behind me.

'you good ?' the shorter one asked me.

'yeah thanks' I said quietly, going back behind the counter.

lots of people came in and out before the group of 4 decided to leave.

they came over to the counter with money to pay.

'how much ?' the tall one asked.

'4.50' I replied with a tight-lipped smile.

'say nothing' he said paying with a fiver.

I grabbed 50p out of the register, putting it on the counter.

'nah keep it fam, thanks for the coffee' he nodded, leading his group out.

jaq stayed back, whispering to me. 'call me later yeah'

'okay' I smiled, watching her leave to catch up with her group.

yeah she's fit


me🤝putting my characters through it (it's gonna get worse)

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