4: sully

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I woke up to an empty bed, jaq had probably left to go do whatever she does with her gang friends.

reluctantly, I rolled out of my bed grabbing my phone.

sorry I left, was an emergency.
8:34am seen

it's fine, r u ok
9:12 delivered

i sighed, getting out of bed and getting ready to go for a walk.

this time I wore a coat as I left my apartment, shoving my hands in my pocket as I walked down the street.

'hey you're jaqs bird innit' a random guy said from beside me.

'sorry ?' I asked the strange guy who I recognised to be one of the guys from the cafe yesterday.

'I'm sully, friend of jaqs' he introduced.

'jay' I spoke uncertainly

'not much of a talkative ting are you' he chuckled dryly.

'no' I told him.

'ok. Well anyway have you seen jaq' he asked.

'not today' I spoke vaguely.

'mhm. she ain't answering her phone' he stated.

'okay ?' I asked confused on what he wants me to reply

'well she obviously likes you innit so call her for me, might actually answer you' he instructed.

'how did you say you knew jaq ?' I stopped, growing suspicious.

'just friends and that' he sighed.

'why won't she just answer you then' I retorted.

'I don't know, why are you being difficult' he argued.

'because I don't know you and I don't want jaq getting hurt cause I made a mistake' I explained.

'look, I'm worried about her mum's, I don't know where she is she told romy she's after some guy' he said.

'okay' I nodded, thinking back to what she said about killing donivan. she wouldn't actually do that right.

'I think I actually know where she is' I huffed motioning for him to follow me.

we walked in awkward silence to donivans house, rain lightly falling from the sky.

my hands held onto my keys in a fist, incase this random guy isn't actually jaqs friend.

'where we going man' he groaned.

'my exs' I replied dryly.

'why would jaq be there' he badgered.

'because last night he came to my place and beat jaq up, don't think she's all that happy about it'

'woah what. why didn't I know this' he scoffed.

'I dunno but she said she'll kill him but I just thought she was being dramatic. she won't actually will she' i asked fearfully.

'dunno man how far is it' he answered.

'like 2 minutes'

'ok' he nodded as we fell back into less awkward silence.

we got to donnivans house and saw the same car that picked jaq up the night we met outside.

'yeah she's here, looks like romy is too' he shook his head.

'who's romy ?' I asked.

'friend of jaqs' he replied.

I huffed, pushing the door open.

'fucking pussy !' I heard an unfamiliar voice yell.

'oi romy jaq what's going on here' sully yelled.

jaq stormed round the corner, her gaze falling a slight when she saw me.

'jay what are you doing why are you with sully' she asked angrily.

'we were worried' I shrugged 'what are you doing here ?'

'this dickhead needs sorting' she huffed.

'why who even is this guy ?' sully joined, walking through to the other room

as I followed him through I saw donivan on the floor with blood on his face.

'oh my god donivan what the hell' I gasped.

the man from the car stood over him, an angry look on his face.

'oi jaq whys she here fam' the guy asked.

'dunno man, she's fine though' she replied.

'jay, baby help me. you know I love you' donnivan cried.

I scoffed, turning my head away.

'jayda please look at me you know you love me you need me' he pleaded, standing up

'dont' I huffed angrily, not looking at him.

'your gonna just leave me, your a bitch. you hear me you slag' he yelled, trying to get out of romys grip.

'shut up' I mumbled.

'sorry what was that hmm.' he taunted. 'speak louder slag !' he yelled.

'shut the fuck up' I yelled, pushing him to the floor.

he jumped up, not getting near me as romy grabbed him and jaq stood infront of me.

sully placed his hand on my back, pulling me away.

'don't call me again. we're done okay. fuck off man' I shouted, being dragged out by my arm.

'jaq sort this prick' sully instructed, taking me to the front room.

'oi chill i'll sort this guy. get yourself home safely' he spoke quietly, patting my shoulder.

I sighed, peeking my head around the wall.

'okay. thanks, tell jaq to call me when she has the time'

'I will, safe' he said, spudding me before walking back to where jaq and romy were.

I walked out the front door with tears running down my face.

rain poured on my hood as I walked quickly to my apartment, cold air rushing into my coat.

she's back👊👊
slayed this tbh

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