6: you ignored me

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the guy had followed me to work with some other guy, they'd been sat at the table for 5 minutes when I decided to go over and ask for their order.

'hi can I get you anything ?' I asked grumpily.

'how about a smile' the bigger one asked.

'so is that a no' I huffed.

'I'll have a coffee' Jamie said.

'okay, that all ?' I questioned.

'yeah' he smiled.

I walked off, going making the coffee and quickly messaging sully.

this Jamie guys at the cafe with
some other guy.
seen 12:04

okay, I'll be there in 10
seen 12:06

I brought the coffee to their table, placing it down in front of Jamie.

'you know, I never got your name' he smiled sweetly.

'and you're not gonna, enjoy your coffee' I smiled back, leaving to stand behind the register.

10 minutes went and the door opened as sully walked in, jaq close behind.

he nodded at me as I motioned my eyes towards Jamie.

jaq smiled tightly as she walked past but I looked away, not returning the gesture.

the 4 sat together and talked for a few minutes before Jamie and the other guy stormed out.

I decided to take my break, hoping to avoid any awkwardness with jaq.

as I sat in the break room, I heard the door swing open.

'jay' jaqs voice called out 'I saw you come back here'

I took a deep breath, standing up and coming face to face with jaq.

'are you hiding from me' she questioned.

I know I'm annoyed at her but she looks so hot when she's mad.

'no' I answered untruthfully.

'don't lie to me' she whispered, her face an inch from mine.

my eyes scanned her face, she looked angry but still, I didn't see the anger I saw on donivans face everyone we fought.

'you ignored me' I whispered, less confidently then she previously had.

'I had to. I didn't want to say something I'd regret. I just needed some space' she explained, backing up and rubbing her face.

'okay. I just wished you'd messaged me. I was, worried' I mumbled.

'why, why are you worried about me ?' she scoffed.

'because, I like you and when you completely ghost me I got scared. did I do something to piss you off ?'

'what ? no. its not your fault, it's me' she demanded. 'your better than me. you've got a proper job, I mean after the donivan house thing I thought you'd want someone more normal, more like you'

'I don't want someone else. I want you' I spoke quietly as i held her hand lightly next to my leg.

her face inched closer to mine.

'why ?' she asked.

'why ?' I questioned, confused.

'why do you like me, I'm just gonna get you hurt' she shouted.

'why are you yelling ?' I said loudly.

'because I don't get it. how do I know your not with the fields. your clearly buds with jamie' she yelled.

'are you fucking kidding me !' I gasped 'the second he spoke to me, I called sully and told him everything'

'don't lie' she shook her head, pinning me to the wall.

'I'm not' I argued, trying to push her away.

she looked down at me angrily, huffing as she did.

I looked up at her in fear. maybe I was wrong, maybe she was like donivan.

tears welled in my eyes as I looked away trying to blink them away.

'jay, I'm so sorry' she spoke softly, letting me go.

'just go' I mumbled, wiping my eyes.

'jay I'm sorry, honestly I didn't think. I like you I don't know what's wrong with me.' she apologised.

'go away' I cried.

'jay-' she started, hugging me tightly.

'dont' I spoke muffled into her shoulder.

I pulled away, looking up into her eyes.

'I would never hurt you' she said softly, looking back down into my eyes.

she put her cold hands on either side of my cheeks, not breaking eye contact.

'promise me' I demanded.

'jay I promise, on anything' she replied.

'okay.' I sighed, looking down. 'good because I missed you' I added, smashing my lips into hers.

'and I missed this' I finished before connecting our lips together.

my back pressed against the wall as her hand slipped up my shirt, holding onto my waist.

as her lips travelled down to my neck, I let my head drop onto her shoulder.

I brought her face back up to mine, staring into her dark eyes, then back down to her lips.

served u guys with some piping hot jaq content, ur welcome.
I hate writing these scenes it makes me feel icky.

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