Chapter 4

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One month later

Charlottes' POV

Its been two weeks since Engfa and I came back from USA. And it was obvious to everyone, that trip made us a lot closer. We would spend almost every day together, and it almost feelt as we were daiting. Of course we still haven't been past kissing, but it was becoming hard for me not to cling to her in public.

And now I found myself quickly ending my live, and calling taxi to drop my friend off and to take me to the club. As she was commenting on my live about wanting to see me, and then called me just to ask if I was coming. I payed the driver in front off the club, and quicky got inside. My eyes scaned all over the crowded place, but it didn't take long for me to notice certain brunette, swaying her hips and chugging her drink with Nudee and P'Daad by her side.

She looked hot in every single moment, and drunk Engfa also was one off my favorite sides off her. I noticed P'Sun standing leaned against the wall, while carefully watching people around her, making sure they don't come to close. He was also first to notice me, he gave me big smile and waved me over, then he shook Engfas' shoulder and she immediatly noticed me.

"Charlotte!" She squiled happily and as soon as I reached her tabel she wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Finally, you are here."

"I came as soon as I could, P'Fa." I spoke softly and wrapped my arms around her small frame, reciprocating the hug.

Scent off her parfume mixed with smoke and alcohol hitt my nose, and honestly there was something so sexy about it.

"Fa, stop clinging to poor girl and let her have a drink." P'Daad spoke softly and as soon as Engfa let go off me, she pulled me in a quick hug before handing me a glass off whine.

"Thanks." I said softly and smiled when I feelt a hand wrapp around my waist, while in other hand she was holding her glass.

"To us." She whispered out, so only I could hear, before clinking our glasses together and immediatly downing her drink.

She was hot as hell, I run my tongue over my bottom lip before chugging down my drink.

"You look beautiful." I said softly as I took in her appearance. Black dress that bearly covered her panties and black high heels, making those long legs stand out even more.

"So do you." She smiled softly before taking a step closer to me and leaning in, making me feel her hot breath on my neck. While her fingers played with hem off my already short dress. "That dress looks beautiful on you."

She husked out, making me blush and look down, before I finally got enough streinght in me to look into her eyes. Clouded and slightly red from drinking, making her look even sexier.

"Really?" I asked softly as I look down, at white mini dress that I had on.

"Mhmmm." She mummbled out and placed two fingers under my chin, gently lifting my face up. "But I want to see it on my bedroom floor later."

She said it with so much conffidence, sending goosebumps down my spine at thought off it. But she was drunk and I wasn't going to take advantage off that.

"You are drunk." I whispered out but she was quick to shake her head.

"Tipsy, that's the difference." She said softly before leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek before pulling away and turning to P'Daad. I couldn't even focus on what she was telling her, as I was still to suprised with what just happened.

I pured myself more wine and immediatly chugged it down, but feelt a hand on my shoulder soon after.

"Damn, girl. Are you okay?" Nudee asked worridly, but I was quick to nodd my head and putt on a smile.

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